One Year Later

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Author's note: It's Girl in Red season so yes ofc I based the first few words off of my favorite song Rue 😌😂 Also this was one of my favorites to write because of Eli's chaotic energy and gayness lmao Enjoy :)

Elizabeth's POV

I need to talk to Romanoff. I needed to get it off my mind, and maybe not make it worse. I don't wanna wake Sash...I got up and crept out into the hallway, making my way through the quiet morning to Natasha's room. I knocked on the door, and heard her close a laptop before opening the door. "Elizabeth? Agent why are you up this early?"
"I need to talk to you...about a few things."

"Oh," I felt sicker this morning, and was relieved when her eyes softened. "Come on in, and have a seat. What's bothering you?"
"A few things actually...but the first is my cancer." Somehow talking about this was easy for me. I don't know why, but I guess it's because I knew I didn't have any treatment options until I was 18. "Oh...what about it? Are you feeling okay?"
"I've been feeling a bit sick lately, but it's fine. I am I gonna tell Sash? All the other girls know, but that's cause we all read each other's files," I smirked slightly before losing the smile, still trying to figure out my feelings. "Well, I suppose honesty is best. Just sit down with her and just talk like you always do, and just casually bring it up. I don't know how else she'd really accept it...But when you mention the part about your treatment, talk her through it slowly, okay? We can all see how much she cares about you."

"I know...that's the other problem. I really really like I wanna hold her, and kiss her and love her forever and ever kind of like...and since everyone knows that you and Commander Hill were a thing for a while-"
"Agent Bennet! I know you're one to listen to rumors, but isn't that going a bit far?"
"Not when the commander herself confirmed it!"
"Dammit Hill...So basically what you want is dating advice?" I glanced down, the laughter dying out. God dammit I really like her! "Well, something like that?" I shrugged, not sure what I wanted other than to get it off my chest. "I don't want to hurt her...She's told me some stuff about what they did to her and the other girls there...I don't want her to look at me and see Cam," I sighed again. Cam was her best friend, she told me about her all the time. "I know she was-still is very young...but the things she said, the way she said them...they sounded like more than friends."

"And she was shot the day before we rescued her. She told me, I know how badly it hurts her," I knew that Romanoff had been the one to rescue Sash, but I didn't realize they were this close. "Oh, and one other thing...can we order a few pride flags for the dorms? Giant ones? Please?" I wanted Sam and Amirah to have a lesbian flag, and I wanted one for myself too-not to be selfish or anything! "We've pretty much established that everyone falls into some catagory of LGBTQ+, so why not show it!" And thank god I have wonderful puppy eyes! Romanoff laughed at me! "Of course! I'll do that now actually, you can stay while I do, or until 5, whichever comes first!"
"Aw, cause then you have to kick me out to Agent Johnson. 5 am training sessions are the worsttttt"

"Actually I thought you and Miss Commander Maria Hill would like to train together today, and you can gossip about our 'fling' all you like!"

"Wait what?! Noooooo!!!! I let out a fake sob, and Romanoff laughed at me again. Sometimes she is the real handful! "And Agent Romanoff if I don't see an extra bisexual flag in that order I'm adding it myself. Everyone knows that Captain Rogers is your fish, but so is the commander!!"
"Oh Elizabeth Bennet...what am I going to do with you?" Natasha shook her head as she did the order, seemingly dissapointed, but I could tell she was trying not to laugh. So I just flopped back on her bead, waiting for the alarm sending us off to training. "Romanoff? Can I ask you two things before I go?" I lifted only my head and saw her place the order. "Make it quick Bennet."

"Do you have Sasha again this morning?"
"Actually she's transfering to Agent Johnson, they'll be together until further notice, now that you're with the commander. Why do you ask?"
"Oh no reason...And the other thing is, well, do you have any advice? Anything, just so that I can tell her?"
"Well like I said, honesty is best. And don't make it a big deal, and be cautious. If she says she needs to get up, you hold her tight because she will hurt herself, and she might blame herself about the fact that there isn't anything for her to do for you." I felt the alarm go off on my watch, knowing the same was happening to everyone else, Sasha included. I got up and crossed the room, pausing at the door. "Thanks Romanoff, I appreciate it..."
"You're welcome. And the flags will be here in 2-3 days, probably on Saturday, so you guys can spend all day putting them up. Maybe you can talk to Sash then, hm?"
"I guess I will, thanks again. Well anyway I have to gay now. I MEAN GO!!" I raced out of the room at the sound of Romanoff's laughter, and I didn't stop until I bumped into Sash on her way to the shooting range to meet Agent Johnson. My face felt hot as I helped her up. I hope she isn't hurt, I was just saying how I didn't want to hurt her. "Oh my god, Sasha I'm so so sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I was just heading..." I rambled as we stood in the middle of the halls. But she just pushed her newly cut hair out of her face and smiled. "Hey, it's okay! Don't worry about it! By the way, I just took a shower, and I'm so glad I decided to cut my hair, it was so much easier to wash! I just have to say thank you again, you did a really nice job. I blushed again as she complimented me. I figured that I could spare a minute or two, and I walked her down to where Agent Johnson was waiting for her. "Daisy being late? That's not normal! You should get going though, I'm sure the commander is expecting you!"
"Wait how do you know I'm going with Commander Hill today? I only just found out when I visited Agent Romanoff this morning!"

"Why else would I be with Daisy!" She laughed and gave me a quick hug. "Now go on, you don't wanna be late!!" I reluctantly pulled away and ran back down the hallway. Lord do I love that girl...

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