This is a SECRET Okay?

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Author's Note: Okay, so I'm sorry this is so short, I needed something to post to be kind of a filler for what's coming next, so enjoy Sasha experiencing something.....interesting ;)

Sasha's POV

Natasha's car was feeling less and less nice as we got closer to the hospital. I had been telling her about my visit with Peter, trying to distract myself, but as the tall building loomed beneath us, my efforts wore off. We pulled into the 3 story high parking garage, and got out on level 2. My nerves were on fire. It had been a while since I'd seen a doctor that wasn't Dr. Harver, but today marked the end of that. I followed Natasha into the reception, and a few minutes later a nurse came to get me. Natasha touched my shoulder and smiled, although in no way did I feel reassured. I had to change into one of those gross papery gowns, and the nurse led me to the room in the very back. She checked my heart and breathing, before looking at my chart. I think I know what's coming next and I am NOT happy about it. "Alright Sasha, we're just going to give you a few vaccinations and draw some blood." FUCK. Ooh shut up you. Yeah you. You're thinking "OH MY she's too young to swear!" Well I sure as hell aint. I'm literally almost 11. She cleaned off a spot on my arm, and I felt the pricks as she gave me all three. Now I'm sure you remember how I deal with needles. Panic. Well trust me I tried! It didn't work. She put some alcohol on my hand, and I felt the larger needle stick my skin. Oh it's you again. YES I AM PANICKING! I'm dying inside from absolute fear! She attached the tube, and I watched my blood rise into the bag. The amount of times I'd watched this happen to other girls...But I put on a brave face, because there is no room for weakness in the world. After a few minutes another nurse came to take me for x-rays. The doctor placed the heavy apron on me, and I lay on the table. I waited back in the exam room on the cold table while Natasha spoke to the doctor about something. I was getting nervous, but then she came in. "Sasha...there's something I've been keeping from you about your heart. Yes Dr. Harver did give you medication for it, but the reason it hasn't been bothering you is because...there's a large regulator attached..."
"A-and? You wouldn't be telling me this now if there wasn't some sort of problem...Actually yeah! How long were you planning to keep this from me??"
"We can discuss it later. But the problem is that if we don't remove it...your heart could fail and flood itself with blood." I had no words. Absolutely none. I wasn't even worried about all the things wrong with me that could cause my death, this was but another to add to the list. The problem was that everyone was keeping something or another from me!! And I'm sure you can figure out how that is making me feel. The doctor came back in, and Natasha left. I could see the hurt in her eyes, I knew she didn't mean for it to be kept from me this long. But that same hurt I felt in me. "Hello Sasha, I'm Dr. Minka, I'll be your doctor here. Before we begin I'm gonna ask you a few questions about your past, okay?"
"Uh yeah...okay." She pulled over a laptop and sat down in front of me. "Have you been given any medications recently?"
"I take anxiety medications, but that's it..."
"Okay. Have you been physically abused or assaulted?" I nodded, trying to keep my tears away. I still had many of my scars from the Red Room. "Hm. Have you had any surgeries?"
"A few, when I was taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D." She nodded making a few more notes before she stood up to examine me. She had me stand up, and she felt around my back and chest. Why do they all need to feel my back...? She then checked my heart and lungs, before asking me to lay down on my side. She put her hands on my side, and then the most peculiar thing happened. Oh shit. I didn't take my second medication today, the one that's supposed to help me manage my powers. The room started to quake, and it took me a moment to realize it wasn't an earthquake. Tasha came in, and she asked to speak to the doctor outside. I looked at her, confused. I focused all my energy, trying desperately to stop it. Eventually I did, but I was hardly sure that was the end of it all. The doctor came back in without Natasha, and continued to examine me. I however, remained in a state of numbness and shock. I had actually controlled my powers. Maybe, just maybe I could finally learn to use them properly. Maybe even in training or in fights!! Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. She prescribed me with a few more medications once she finished examining me, and I went to meet Natasha. She talked with the nurse for a few minutes, and then we left to get all my meds. We drove in silence, and it wasn't until we were at least halfway back to HQ when I popped the question. "Natasha...?"

"Yeah Sash, what is it?"
"When can I learn to use my powers?"
" want to know since you didn't take your meds today? You are so damn lucky it was only that room, and the doc just thought it was an earthquake."

"That didn't answer my question though. When will I learn?"
"'re still so young, and-"
"I think I did a pretty good job controlling it today, y'know with no practice and all." I watched her carefully, and she looked at me for a moment. Her eyes were soft, softer than I had expected. "Alright. You know what? Wanda's coming down tomorrow, and we can set up some time for her and Daisy to work with you. You're right, you did do pretty well. And I guess I owe you for not telling you about that monitor, but that's something you don't need to worry about."

"Lemme guess, another surgery?""Yeah...I'm sorry Sash. But at least you have something to look forward to!" I smiled, nodding as we pulled into HQ. I needed to see Eli, and ASAP!!

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