One Month Later

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Author's note: Mild language, sh*t is said once, but that's it. Enjoy!!

"You actually don't know when your birthday is?!" The girls were eating breakfast and chatting as normal, and Rhea had mentioned that her birthday was in a week. Sasha, being barely two years old when she was taken, had no memory of her birthday. "I can't believe it! We're gonna have to give you one then, how about that?" The girl smiled at her friend, and nodded. "I suppose you'll have to!"
"Okay, what's your favorite season?"
"Hmm, definitely fall! It's usually cold, but not too cold. I think October is the best, actually!"
"Oooh, we have ourselves a Spooktober fan! So what do you say, October 4th?"
"That's literally today!!"

"Well, according to Romanoff, Agent Johnson, and even Director Fury, you've been a "wonderful asset to S.H.E.I.L.D and a remarkable agent"!!! And since we have a day off today, why not spend it celebrating your birthday!"
"You've been a great friend to us since the moment you got here Sash, you deserve it!"

"Aw, thanks Amirah! You guys have been wonderful to me too, I've never had a friend before..." She glanced down, a memory crossing her mind. Eli got up and gave her a hug, and whispered in her ear. "Is it about Cam?" The younger one gave a small nod, but brushed it off with a small murmur of "I'm fine." Eli walked back to her seat, and smiled again. "So what do ya say, Sash?"
"I guess my birthday is October 4th! You guys are too good to me!" They laughed, and the girls cleaned their dishes up quickly, before Rhea and Ming announced that they were going to get Natasha to come help. Eli helped Amirah, Lexi and Zoya clear up some space, and Sam helped Sasha pick out some games and other activities. Setting up the poufs in a circle was easily accomplished, and they had everything laid out in about 45 minutes. "So Sash, I was wondering, you know, being around all us gals," Sam lowered her voice. "Do you ever think you'd want a girlfriend?"

"That's allowed? I do you ask?"
"Well, this is kinda embarrassing, but I'm really into Amirah..."

"No shit! I see how you are around her!" She laughed as they finished setting up. "If you're looking for advice, I'm not sure I can really be of help, but just keep being the wonderful friend that you are, maybe she'll feel comfortable becoming more!" She gave Sam a hug, and patted her shoulder. "Thanks Sasha, you really are good at this...But watch your language!!" She laughed along with Sam, her face reddening. "I try...Anyway, come on, we need to finish putting up the decorations!" She and the youngest joined everyone by the fireplace. Rhea had returned with a beautiful cake they set in the kitchen for later, Ming made some plates of snacks, Zoya, Lexi and Amirah finished setting up the decorations, and Sam added the last parts to the games. Eli came over and told everyone except Sasha to sit. "Okay birthday girl! What first?"

"Hmm, well since we just ate, I wanna do some games first. How about sardines!"
"Anything for you! You wanna hide first?"
"You know it!" The girls all turned to each other and counted to 30. Sasha quietly ran into hers and Eli's shared room, hiding in the closet under a pile of coats. She heard Sam yell out that they were coming, and she kept as still as possible. It took almost 5 minutes for Amirah to find her, and then Ming, Rhea, Eli, Sam, Lexi, and Zoya last. "Weeeeell Amirah, looks like you're hiding next!" Sasha pulled Sam aside before they started counting. "I'll let you have a head start, okay? You talk to Amirah!" Sam gulped, and the girls counted. Amirah hid in the kitchen cabinets, luckily they were all empty! Sam reached her first, and quietly congratulated her on her hiding spot. "Hey Amirah? You've been my best friend since forever, and lately I've been thinking I might.....might be gay..."

"Great! Cause I really like you Sammy!"

"You-you do? That's what I was gonna tell you!" The two hugged, but just as they did, Sasha found them, Eli, Lexi, Zoya and Ming behind her, Rhea joining them momentarily. "Awwww! Now kiss!"

"Eli!!" They all laughed, and went to get some snacks before starting a game of Among Us. "OMG PINK JUST VENTED UP AND KILLED ME!!!" Ming started the playful shouts of accusation that made the game. They played for a few hours, until 1pm. "Okay guys, I'd like some cake!"

"Of course! We must bring out the cake everyone!" Cheers erupted as Sam went to help Eli put on the candles, everyone else getting up to shut off the lights. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sashaaaaa. Happy birthday to youuuuu!" Everyone sang happily, and Sasha blew out the candles. They all gave her a big hug, before cutting slices. They ate and talked happily, Sasha's first time not thinking about her previous life, as she called it now. "Sorry there's no presents Sash, we didn't have enough time..."

"Don't worry about presents! Being here, knowing that you all would do this much for me is more than enough! You're my real family, and I couldn't be more grateful for you all."

"So much wisdom for someone who's only turning 8!"

"C'mon Sam, we all know you're the baby here! Only 7 three weeks ago? You have no right to be making age jokes! And we all know that you appreciate my wisdom more than anyone!!" They all laughed, and Amirah put an arm around Sam. After an hour of cake and cocoa, Sasha decided to call it a night. She gave goodnight hugs to all the girls, before heading into her room. The others cleaned up the dishes, before going to their own rooms. Sam switched with Lexi so she and Amirah could share a room, and Eli joined Sasha a few minutes later. "G'night Eli...a million thanks for today, you have no idea how much it means to me to know that you all care this much about me..."

"Of course! You're so kind to us, it was the least we could do for you! Hey, and about Cam, I know you didn't tell me much, but I bet she'd be proud of you if she was here." Sasha climbed out of her bed and gave Eli a tight hug. "Thank's just hard falling asleep and seeing her dead body in my arms...I'm gonna head to bed now though, see you in the morning!"

"Goodnight Sash, sleep well," Eli waited until Sasha turned over, before quietly saying "Love you..."

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