I think I'm obsessed

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Part One - 6 Months Ago

"What do we have?" I took the manila envelope from Riley my partner of about a year and a half. He was still fairly new to the homicide division, spending over five years in Special Victims equipped him with guts that could virtually withstand any horrific crime scene. A grown blond man, something you don't find everyday, he was quite a charismatic character. He adjusted his red striped tie as I ripped open the envelope exposing its contents. Four glossy 10 by 8 greeted my eyes; two for each victim.

From what I picked up from the pictures the job was done neatly, as usual, one of the many trademarks. We were now in the isle that led to the interrogation room.

"Start talking"

"Well" Riley cleared his throat, "The first victim was Anita Peterson, trusted employee also the first and only secretary of Wallace Barnes. She managed to punch in 911 before she bled out from a wound in the chest."

He paused before continuing. He voice had a degree of resignation in it "And victim number two, Wallace Barnes. Lead prosecutor of the Chapman's case.

I stood rooted to the spot. The Chapman's case was almost ready to be presented before a judge. Barnes said he was adding "the finishing touches." What could possibly be the connection between Chapman and Barnes so that a murderer had to get involved?

Riley read the puzzled expression on my face "I dunno either" He lamented, "He's cleaning the streets except he is picking up off all the good guys."

My eyes narrowed to slits as we continued our journey.

"This shot was well placed, went straight through the heart. A hole in Barnes chest about this big." My partner held up his index finger and drew an imaginery circle in the air.

A .24 couldn't have done that amount of damage unless it was a close range shot. And why would Barnes stand and let a man shoot hom dead. I knew he had a liscenend pistol in the third drawer of his desk, I had an experience with it up close and personal.

Riley continued "The bullet went straight through his heart and as you can guess it's nowhere to be found."

"Trademark huh?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"You know it" Riley answered smirking.

We had reached the interrogation room where a proud murderer was being held with his lawyer. I handed back Riley the torn envelope but kept the pictures.

"Let's go get this Asshole, " I said and pushed open the door.

We questioned our suspect for nearly an hour getting nothing from our futile attempts. I whipped my head up from my notes which were actually just little scribblings and stared into the dark brown steely eyes of mob boss and crooked business man Raul. His long, slick black hair was pulled back into a pony tail. He slowly raised the glass of water to his lips and gulped down a reasonable amount.
"Ha we got your prints now" I thought.
The hand he used to hold the glass was adorned with huge expensive gold and diamond rings. His designer suit carved just for his body proved to be a second skin for his bulging muscles. Leaning back in the chair he made himself quite comfortable and offered me a smile. His taunting did nothing to improve my mood. I felt the urge to jump across the table, yank his pony tail as hard I could and put the muzzle of my gun in his mouth while squeezing the trigger until I heard the hard familiar click of an empty magazine.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. It was thrown open and the chief beckoned to me. Clambering out of my seat I made my way into the corridor with him.

"What?" I asked.

"We can't go on with this," the chief words were like thunder on a sunny day.

"What!" My shout was no more than a hoarse whisper. "Why? Are you crazy?"

"Hold your horses and listen to me" Chief Darwin Mayers' voice was soft but firm. "Based on the little evidence we have aquired we can't afford to prosecute him."

"We can't do what?" My fists were clenched shut as I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"We have no DNA, no murder weapon, nor the bullet that killed Barnes. Plus eyewitnesses said that they saw Raul at a coffee house at the time of the murder."

An expletive slipped past my lips as I struggled to control the rage within. "I had him by the balls! Now you're just gonna let him walk? The guy is filthy rich! He could easily pay someone to lie about seeing him, creating a perfect alibi."

The chief looked at me with sadden eyes. "I want him locked up as bad as you do but am sure you see the situation on our hands." He placed a reassuring arm on my shoulders, "We'll get him next time. You seem to have forgotten that it's your day off."

Day off? Damn! Ashley! This was supposed to be a special night for me and my wife. We were enjoying a night out, dining at Chiques; one of the most expensive restaurant in this city which offered an exquisite taste in food. This was until Riley called me with what I thought would result in the downfall of Raul's empire. I had ran out of the building leaving my wife all alone and pissed.

Now over an hour later I was running out of the Station to get back to my wife. As I got in my car I remembered what the Chief said "I want him locked up as bad as you do."
But I didn't want Raul locked up. I wanted him dead.

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