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Lucy's POV
The master called my name and I looked at him "Yes?" "Come here." I walked over and the Master looked at me "How do you know that girl?" "She was one of my friends before I left my home," he nodded and thought about it "Do you know what type of magic she uses?" I shook my head "I don't remember if she did, I remember that she's always been a huge lover of the four elements though. When there was a fire she was mesmerized, a river she played in it, the breeze she sung happily and she always loved the earth and marveled at it."

The master nodded "She most likely has elemental magic but I got another vibe from her too..." "Oh! I remember! In the winter she would decorate the house with icicles that she made, with her fingers," I remembered her telling me how amazing nature was and why she loved it so much, "Don't you just love the snow, Lucy?" She would laugh and play with the snow but not only in winter, she was always outside it seemed, she loved the outdoors, would live out there if she could. I smiled, I remember, she was my best friend "I'm glad she finally decided to join a guild, good for her." I mumbled, The Master nodded still deep in thought so I went to sit down again.

As soon as I sat down Natsu, Happy, Gray and Erza bombarded me with questions "Where did you meet her?" "Elemental magic?" "Why does she have ice magic too?" "How is that possible?" I took those four in and raised my hand "Stop, I can barely keep up." I looked around and noticed people listening in even though they tried to look like they weren't, I smiled "Okay, I met her when we were young, I was a year older...we met because our mothers knew each other very well, like sisters. Elemental magic is where you can use all four elements and her mother told me when mine died," my smile faded "She told me it was a very rare magic, sometimes the water can even heal, I'm pretty sure Crystal can, she always was strong."

My voice faded off thinking about how we had playfully challenged each other, kind of like Natsu with just about everyone. I smiled at him but it quickly faded when I saw him raise an eyebrow at me. "She has ice magic because her father had elemental magic in his gene pool but her mom had ice and in a rare occurrence they'll mix and their kid will have both, it's very rare and that's why you don't see it often." They stared at me like I was crazy or something making my hands fly up "Huh? What is it? Is there something on my face?" "No, we're just surprised you know so much," said Happy's matter of fact voice.

He was flying above Natsu's head "Shut up cat, but really? It's that much of a surprise?" "You don't usually know that much about one subject," I looked at Erza when she spoke "Well, maybe not but I grew up with it, I wasn't allowed to use a lot of my magic, just a little, Crystal used hers whenever she went outside, which was a lot, and I was almost always with her." "You weren't allowed to use magic?" Natsu asked "No, my father saw it as 'cheating' but I didn't know what or who I was cheating, and he wouldn't tell me," I frowned at the thought thinking about it again. "Well that was interesting and all, but it's starting to get late," I put my hand to my mouth to cover a sneaky yawn.

I got up and started to leave after they nodded. I heard them continue to discuss Crystal and I shook my head, is it really that surprising? Magic is still a new thing to me, confusing me at every turn. I didn't think that there was so much that not even those three knew it all. I walked out and saw Crystal on a bench nearby, I had almost missed her in the twilight light. I walked over to her and sat down "Hello, Lucy," "Hey, Crystal," "I'm surprised you remember my name," "It took me a second to realize it was you," Crystal looked at me and hugged me "I missed you Lucy." "I missed you too." We hugged tight.

Where have you been all these years, Crystal? We used to be such good friends, how could you leave me? "Hey Lucy," "Hmm?" "Who were those people that sat with you?" "The girls name is Erza, she's kinda scary, the dark haired guy is Gray, he uses ice maker magic, the cat is Happy, he can fly, the pink haired one is Natsu, he's the Fire Dragon Slayer." "Dragon Slayer?" "Yeah, he's scary too if you get on his bad side, then again, they all are, even Happy has his moments," "Are you two? You and the Dragon slayer..." "What do you mean?" "You know..." "What?! Why would you think that?" She shrugged and we leaned back from hugging "The way he looked at you, it looked like a little more than friendship."

I laughed "I can barely deal with him as it is, dating him? I wouldn't last a day!" She started laughing with me "Nah, Lucy, you two would be cute together," "You aren't the only one who thinks that," I huffed thinking of Mira "Who else thinks that?" "You know the girl with silver hair that greeted you?" Crystal nodded, her skin starting to glow from the moon light above "Her name is Mirajane or just Mira, she feels the same way," "That Natsu and you would make a good couple?" I nodded "We're right you know," she stared at me, half serious and half teasing. I shook my head but couldn't keep myself from smiling too. "Do you have a place to stay?"

Crystal nodded "Someone was kind enough to take me in before I get a good income from requests," "That's good, oh hey, Crystal?" "Yeah?" "You use elemental magic right?" "Yeah, why?" "The guild was asking me once it was made clear I knew who you were, I just wanted to sure of your odd mix of ice and elemental." We laughed and Crystal held up a hand as if she was going to high five me but her palm was facing her, I raised an eyebrow.

Off of her fingers grew ice shards that looked like very sharp extensions of her fingers, she put her hand palm down and held it closer to her. Then she jerked it away as if she was slapping someone and the shards went flying and landed in a pretty circle on the guild hall wall "Wow, you've gotten a lot better." "What about your magic Lucy? You're a celestial wizard right?" "Yeah, I'm a celestial wizard and I've gotten a lot of keys since we last met," I grabbed my keys and showed her them "The zodiac ones are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius."

Crystal stared awed that I had so many "What about the silver keys?" "Those are Crux, Horologium, Lyra, Nikora," "Wow you have a lot of keys, 14, wow," I smiled as she stared gap mouthed. I put them away and hugged her again "We should go home," she got closer and whispered in my ear "Someone's watching us." "Have a goodnight, Crystal," I leaned closer "Trust me, we're safe here," I leaned back, stood up and walked away from her towards home.

I started heading towards my house, getting on the edge of the canal near my house like I always did "Be careful, Lucy!" Shouted the fishermen like they always did when I was on my way home. I listened to them but I still did it, it was fun. I heard someone behind me reminding me that someone was following me.

I was pretty sure whoever it was was Natsu and Happy, or just someone from the guild, whichever. I heard them get a little closer but I waited for them to get even closer before I turned around making whoever it was stop in their tracks. It was Natsu, as I thought, holding his hand out like he was going to grab me. He let his hand drop "Hey Lucy I need to talk to you," "What else would you want with me?" He shrugged and blushed slightly "I don't know but can we not talk about it here?" He looked around almost nervously. Natsu nervous? You don't see that every day "Sure, let's go."

He stepped up next to me and we walked to my house in silence. I was thinking about what it could be. Hmm, maybe something to do with..."The way he looked at you, it looked like a little more than friendship," Crystals words echoed in my head "You would make a good couple." But that couldn't be it, right? Why would he be nervous? Of someone finding out? About what? I sighed, who knows? I felt something touch my hand and looked down to see that Natsu had grabbed one of my fingers, I put my hand into his completely on impulse but ignored it otherwise and kept walking.

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