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Natsu's POV *they set out again*

We were setting out again to find the last three items, the jar of air, the ice shard and the Wyvern scale. We kept walking around and soon saw we saw a giant cave opening "I wonder what's in there." Lucy mumbled, slightly awed by its size, "Let's find out," Gray said. We walked inside and found it headed down "Natsu," Erza didn't need to say anything else. I raised my hand and produced a small flame and so did Crystal.

I looked back at her, surprised "Did you forget? I can use fire magic too." I nodded and we headed into the cave. It was deeper than we thought, we had gone down when a light appeared. I turned off my flame and so did Crystal. I felt Lucy grab my arm and I looked at her, I smiled at her reassuringly and she smiled back. I looked into the light and saw two podiums. One held an ice shard, cut to look like a diamond, the other held a jar full of swirling air, two of the three items we needed.

We were all cautious, knowing one wrong move could get us killed "What should we do?" Asked Happy "We have to get those items," Erza said "But how?" Lucy asked "We go in prepared." Everyone stared at Erza like she was crazy but we knew we didn't have a choice.

We all walked in together, Gray and I stepped forward to grab the items and just when we had touched them we all heard a roar. I tossed my item at Lucy and she put it in her bag, Gray threw his to her too. We all looked to the entrance and saw Wyvern.
I instantly prepared myself "Natsu!" Crystal yelled at me "Eat this!" She threw her fire at me and I ate it "Thanks for the meal!" Suddenly the Wyvern backed out, and we just stood. We heard another roar "It wants us to come out!" Erza yelled over the roar.
We slowly walked out and saw three Wyverns "Three?!" Lucy screamed. I instantly ran towards the first one "Roar of Fire Dragon!" I hit one but another knocked me out of the way. "Lucy! You and I take the one on the left! Natsu, Gray! Take the one in the middle, Crystal! Can you handle the last one?" Erza yelled out the orders "You can count on me!" Crystal yelled back.
We were all fighting in the chaos but we didn't seem to be effecting them. I latched onto ones back and pulled off a scale "Lucy! Catch!" Lucy looked at me and I threw the scale towards her. She caught it and put it away right when I was knocked off by the beast.
We all backed away from our targets to regroup "We can't beat them the way we are now!" Crystal yelled out "One of us will have to sacrifice ourself!" She stepped forward but I stepped in front of her "Huh? Natsu?!" "I'll do it, what must I do?" "I'll hit you with my elements and you knock them all off the side."
I nodded "Okay, oh and, keep Lucy safe for me." She nodded and prepared to use her magic. I got a running start and jumped up. Soon there was an earth platform which I used to get higher then I was hit with air and fire, boosting me towards the Wyverns.
I pushed them all off at once because they were in a line and I fell with them. As I fell I looked up to see Lucy's terrified face and her hand reaching towards me "Natsu!" "Lucy!" Then, the world went black.

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