Two Down

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We were on the top of the mountain and I was shivering but I had Crystal on my left and during the trip Natsu appeared on my right, which made it better. Crystal was wearing a teal dress that was short but she had plaid tights under it and knee high black boots, she was also wearing a black jacket. She had come prepared, the other three, Natsu, Gray and Erza didn't seem bothered but I guess they were better adapted than me. Natsu had his fire magic to keep him warm, Gray couldn't get cold because of his ice magic and Erza would never fall to such a small thing.

Why was I so weak? I put a determined face on and tried my best not to shiver. I looked up and saw that the sky was dark, a storm, I looked around and saw a cave. I fell back and pretended to be looking for something on me, unfortunately Natsu stopped with me "What is it Lucy?" "Nothing, you go on ahead, I'll catch up," he frowned and grabbed my arm, making me look up at him "No." My eyes widened "Why not?" He looked away "I'm not going to lose sight of you up here, I swore to myself I'd protect you."

"Why would you do that?" He looked to where everyone else was, no one had noticed us falling behind. He kissed me and held me tight "Why are you so cold?" He asked me "Maybe because we're on a mountain?" "You should have told me, you'll freeze to death, this is what you get for wearing a skirt." His hand moved to my thigh and his hand slowly got warmer "Natsu?" "Don't move, I'll heat you up." He moved his hand across my face, along my back, my legs and my stomach "Better?" "Much, thank you."
I looked back at the cave, at my lost chance. He followed my gaze and started towards the cave "Natsu," he looked back at me "Are you coming or not?" I walked after him and we walked into the cave together.

We saw nothing at first but then I saw a glint in the back of the cave. I took a step forward but Natsu stopped me, he was looking around "Be careful," I looked around and took another step forward. Natsu walked past me and went first, suddenly he stopped "There's a trap," as he said that the floor fell beneath him. There was one little sliver of ground left and Natsu balanced on it, I started to step forward but Natsu looked back at me "Don't."

I watched him walk across and he went into the darkness "Natsu?" "Shhh," his hand lit up as a flame appeared on it and he crept forward. He reached his other hand forward and grabbed something, "Natsu..." I whispered then heard a rumbling sound. Natsu ran back to me across the gap, grabbed my hand and ran out of the cave just as rocks blocked the entrance. I stumbled and fell against him when he stopped but he didn't move. I looked over his shoulder to see him holding a piece of orange colored rock "Jasper."

I heard a voice and saw Crystal standing there "That's what we need," I grabbed the rock and put it into the pouch I had brought to hold the items. "Good eye, Lucy," Natsu smiled at me "Yeah, come on, the others are waiting for us." Crystal walked away and I quickly kissed Natsu "Don't scare me like that," "I'll try not to." He kissed me back and pulled on my hand "Come on, you heard Crystal."

When we got back to the group Natsu let his hand drop from holding mine and I missed the warmth instantly "Where were you three?" Erza asked "We found the Jasper," I said, pulling it out and showing them "Good job, but tell us next time, alright?" I nodded and put the rock back. We kept walking up the mountain when we all heard a roar.

We all stopped "That was a Vulcan," Erza said, she turned towards us "We should come up with a plan," Crystal stepped forward "Maybe Lucy or I should lure it here and we ambush it," "What about Erza?" Natsu asked "I figured she wouldn't want to," "It would be better if Lucy did it," Erza said "Why me?" I asked "Because you're wearing the least," Erza said matter-of-factly "That is true," Crystal echoed.

I looked down at my outfit then at theirs "Couldn't Erza requip?" "We've already established I didn't want to do it," everyone was looking at me. I guess I could try and be useful, not be useless like I usually was "Fine, let's do it," they seemed surprised I agreed so quickly. I walked past them and looked back "Are we going to finish this job or not?" They started following me as we walked towards the sound. "Okay, Lucy, you're going to go ahead alone so it can get you, don't worry, we'll be right behind you." "Who said I was scared?" I mumbled under my breath. I walked faster and started looking around. Everything was silent, it must be close.

I heard a roar very close to me and stopped in my tracks when a Vulcan appeared in front of me. I screamed as it grabbed me and looked me up and down, such perverts. It looked at me hungrily and I squirmed "Let me go you pervert!" "No," it answered me "Well, you're gonna have to!" I grabbed a hair from its arm just as Natsu and the others came up to us. I squirmed again "Help!" It threw me behind it and got right in my face "Stay!"

"Don't worry Lucy, we'll save you!" Happy yelled. I didn't get up because I didn't know what the Vulcan would do if I did. Natsu came running up to it "Iron fist of Fire Dragon!" He punched it sending it flying but it got right back up. Gray stepped forward "Ice make Lance!" He sent a flying ice spear at the Vulcan and it hit making the Vulcan even madder. Erza requiped into Black Wing Armor and ran towards the Vulcan "Moon Flash!" She ran past the Vulcan and slashed it in a cross pattern.

The Vulcan fell to the ground in utter defeat and stayed down. Natsu came running over to me and helped me stand up "Are you okay, Lucy?" "Yeah, but don't you guys think you over did it?" He shook his head. I held up my hand holding the Vulcan's hair I had grabbed "I got the hair," I smiled and he smiled back.

We walked back and I put the hair in my bag. "Two down, three to go," they all smiled at me and I looked up at the sky "There's a storm coming," Crystal said, noticing my glance "We should settle down for a while," everyone agreed and we found a nearby cave to settle in.

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