The Five Items

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Natsu's POV *morning*

I woke up in my bed, which surprised me. I had thought I was in Lucy's bed with her, no, that was a dream. Happy was making breakfast and I smelled eggs, bacon and toast. I went out to see Happy flying above the stove "Hey Happy!" "Aye! Why did you come home so late last night?" "I was, uh, at Lucy's, she had made an amazing meal." "Was there fish?" "Huh? No, why?" "Then it wasn't amazing, because it didn't have fish." I shook my head. "You feel like doing a job Happy?" "Aye!" "Let's hurry then, so we can pick one."

-=Skip Forward to Guild Hall=-

We went into the guild hall and we saw that Gray, Erza and Lucy were already there. I waved at them. They smiled at me and I walked over to them. "I think we should go on a job," "Sure, doesn't sound like a bad idea," Erza said "What request were you thinking about?" "Hmm, I don't know, I haven't looked yet," "I'll go see if there's any good ones," Lucy said as she stood up and walked over to the board.

I sat down and Erza and Gray leaned in towards me slightly "Do you know what's up with Lucy?" Gray asked, glancing over at her "What do you mean?" "She seems a lot happier lately, like something very good happened to her, but she won't tell us what it is," "Well I don't know either, Erza," "We didn't think you would," "But we thought that maybe she'd tell you," these two were continuing each other's sentences "Are you two okay?"

"What do you mean?" They said in unison "That," I pointed at them "Oh, I don't know," "Maybe we think alike." This was starting to get confusing "Right, well I'll go talk to Lucy." I got up and walked towards her, Happy didn't follow me for some odd reason. I put a hand on her shoulder and she looked back at me "Oh, hey Natsu, what is it?" "Erza and Gray asked me to ask what was up with you," "Up with me?" "You're acting a lot happier lately, that's what they said."

She frowned at me in confusion "Yeah, why? Is that something wrong?" "No, I don't think so, but now that I think about it you do seem a lot happier lately, like really happy," "Yeah, I suppose, but why are you asking?" "What do you mean?" "Well, I thought you would've figured it out," she blushed looking down at the ground "I'm asking because they said you wouldn't tell them," "Because, I didn't think, maybe I was wrong."

I raised an eyebrow at her when she looked back at me "Was I wrong?" "Wrong about what, Lucy?" "Us," that surprised me, but it also made a lot of sense "Is that why you've been so happy lately?" She nodded and I raised an eyebrow "What did you think you were wrong about?" "Nothing really," she shrugged "Let's see if we can find a job," "Okay," we turned back to the board.

One really caught my eye. You had to find five items from around Mount Hakobe. A shard of ice, cut as a perfect diamond, a hair from a Vulcan, a scale from a Wyvern, a piece of Jasper rock and a jar of air from the hugest peak. "Hey, look at this one Lucy," "Hm?" She picked it off the board and looked at it "A shard of ice, cut like a diamond, a hair from a Vulcan, a scale from a Wyvern, a piece of Jasper and a jar of air. Sounds interesting, but, where do we find those around a mountain?"

I grabbed the paper from her "I don't know, but it sounds like fun," "Wow, 1,000,000 jewels, and a special favor from the requester, I wonder what that means," Lucy had leaned over my shoulder to read better but curled her lip slightly at special favor. "Probably just a favor," I tried to reassure her "Special favor probably just means a favor that would have to be crazy for them not to do it." She tried to reassure herself but she still looked uncertain. She grabbed the paper back and looked at the things we were supposed to get "Mount Hakobe, hm?"

She walked back to the table with me right behind her "I think we found one," she smiled at Gray and Erza. They glanced at me then looked at the paper. "A shard of ice, hair from a Vulcan, a scale from a Wyvern, Jasper and a jar of air," "Odd choices, I wonder why they need them," Gray looked at the request closely and thought about it. I shrugged "Who knows? Anyway, want to do it?" They nodded "Let's do it."

I took the paper and walked over to Mira "We're taking this request," "That one? Hmm, it looks pretty simple, but dangerous, you sure?" I nodded and Mira took the paper and did whatever she did with it "Do you know why the requester wanted those items, Mira?" Lucy said from next to me, I hadn't heard her come up behind me. Lucy really was beautiful, I was lucky to know a girl like her. A girl whose smile could light up your day, whose laugh could make you laugh too. I am really lucky. Where did that come from?

Lucy looked at me and raised an eyebrow "What are you staring at Natsu?" "Huh? Oh, you," I mumbled, smiling at her, making her blush. I wish I could kiss her, but we couldn't in front of the guild "There you go guys, you can go on the job now, and no, I don't know why the requester wanted these specific items." I looked at Mira to find her looking at us, first confused then understanding, she smiled "Good luck guys."

I nodded and followed Lucy who was already walking away. We got to the table and sat down "When do you want to leave?" Erza asked "Tomorrow?" Said Lucy "Sure," I said "Sounds great," Gray answered. "Hmm," Lucy looked outside "I'm going to go home and work on something," by something I'm pretty sure she meant her novel. She didn't like talking about it, she walked away "I think I should go too..." "No," Erza put her hand on mine.

"What is it Erza?" "Did you find out what was up with Lucy? And to add to that, what's up with you?" "She's just happy, someone sent her flowers." I blurted out, I didn't like lying but Erza and Gray took it. "Makes sense, does she know who it's from?" I shook my head "They're pretty though," "Do you know what they were?" "Lucy said they were snapdragons," "Hmm, interesting choice." Erza thought about it "Didn't you say you had to go?" "Yeah, see you guys tomorrow."

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