You Make Me Smile

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Lucy's POV
I woke up remembering last night, my fingers flew up to my lips, remembering Natsu's against them. He actually wasn't that bad of a kisser, what?! Why was I thinking that? What is wrong with me? I turned him down, it was the right thing to do. That's right, he left, sadder than I had ever seen him. Stop Lucy, you did the right thing, you did the right thing. I repeated that in my head as I started waking up more and more.

I got up and dressed in a light blue tank top with a low white v-neck with light blue shorts, and white heeled boots. I hummed a song I knew, it was called You Make Me Smile, I loved that song, it made me feel special, I didn't know why. I put my hair to its normal half in a side ponytail style. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the redness of my eyes "Huh?" I guess I didn't sleep well, oh yeah! My dream... About Natsu and I. I shook my head, not now. I have to get to the guild hall, I'll be late. I put on a smile and ran out towards the guild hall.

When I got there things were unnaturally silent. I looked around and saw Happy, Erza, Gray and...wait? Where's Natsu? I walked over to them when I heard my name being called "Lucy!" "Huh? Mira?" I walked over to her and she handed me a note "This is from Natsu," my eyes widened "Natsu? Do you know where he is?" She shook her head and I frowned, looking down at the note. I opened it up to see handwriting I could barely make out, I guess Natsu didn't write much.

I read it in my head, frowning, it was hard to make out "Dear Lucy, I have gone to South Gate Park and I want you to come, I want to tell you something, Natsu," that's all it said. I was kind of mad at him for only saying that but I was too curious about what it was he wanted to tell me to care. "What is it Lucy?" Mirajane asked pulling me out of my thoughts "Nothing, I was just thinking." Hmm, what could it be he wants to ask me?

-=Skip Forward to the Park=-

I wonder what Natsu's going to tell me. I went to South Gate Park, a beautiful park that I liked going to every once in a while, it was peaceful here. Which was strange considering this town was anything but that most of the time, thanks to Fairy Tail. I smiled and rushed into the park.

I almost instantly heard a guitar and a familiar voice. It kind of sounded like Natsu but I couldn't be sure because whoever it was, was singing. I looked around and saw a group of people surrounding the player, they shuffled in and out as he played. I saw him when he started to play another song, I recognized the tune immediately. It was You Make Me Smile, my favorite song.

It was Natsu playing, I didn't know he could play, let alone sing the song. I shuffled closer and into the group surrounding him. He didn't notice me when I reached the front but he started singing "You're better than the best, I'm lucky just to linger in your light. Cooler than the flip side of my pillow, that's right." He actually had a really good singing voice, everyone knew it just as much as I did and started tossing him money, like what usually happened in this situation. "Completely unaware, Nothing can compare to where you send me, let's me know that it's okay. And the moments where my good times start to fade." He looked up noticing me and he smiled, I smiled back at him.

"You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing like a bird, dizzy in my head, spin like a record, crazy on a Sunday night. You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe, shine like gold, buzz like a bee, just the thought of you can drive me wild, oh you make me smile." He sang the rest of the song and when he finished he placed down his guitar and looked at the crowd.

They all clapped and slowly fanned out, except me. I just stood there looking at Natsu. He stood up and walked towards me "Hi Lucy," "Hi...I didn't know, you can sing?" "Eh, kinda..." he shrugged "Kinda? That was amazing, you're a really good singer." I suddenly burst out, and I believed it. He blushed "Thank you." I smiled wider and leaned in to kiss his cheek making his eyes widen and his face burn brighter. I laughed at the sight "Why that song though?" "Oh, uh, I heard you humming it once, and it sounded like you liked it so," he shuffled his feet a little.

"Well, thank you, that's my favorite song," he looked surprised "Really?" He looked embarrassed "Yeah, why are you so embarrassed?" He didn't answer me and looked away, I kissed his cheek again and pulled on his hand "Come on, the Guild's wondering where you are."

Natsu's POV *he just finished the song*

I finished the song and everyone started to fan out, except for Lucy. I smiled at her and walked towards her, picking up the money and putting it in a pouch. I stood in front of her "Hi Lucy," "Hi...I didn't know, you can sing?" "Eh, kinda..." I shrugged Lucy's eyes widened slightly "Kinda? That was amazing, you're a really good singer." She said it like she believed it with all of her heart. I blushed "Thank you," she smiled wider at me and kissed my cheek. Lucy?! My eyes widened and I blushed even more making her laugh. "Why that song though?" She asked "Oh, uh, I heard you humming it once, and it sounded like you liked it, so," I shuffled my feet.

"Well, thank you, that's my favorite song," she blushed a little "Really?" I was embarrassed, I had just sung her favorite song! Bonus points for favorite! Bonus points? What was I thinking? Who knows but I'm happier than I've been in a long time! "Yeah, why are you embarrassed?" I didn't answer and looked away, unconsciously pulling on the top of my scarf a little. She kissed my cheek again and pulled on my hand "Come on, the Guild's wondering where you are."

We walked away towards the guild in no real haste. Lucy seemed really happy, happier than normal. She was constantly smiling with a small bounce to her step, and she occasionally looked at me thinking I didn't notice. She kept doing that when she made me stop "Natsu," "Huh? What is it, Lucy?" She looked down blushing a little. She hugged me tightly "Thank you..." she whispered. "What for?" "For everything," she sniffed, she started tearing up "Everything?" "Yeah, I've never really thanked you for all you do for me, you've saved me, protected me, done all these things for me, and the guild, but, you aren't really thanked enough for what you do."

She started crying more "Don't cry, Lucy," I lifted her face up "I don't need your thanks, its thanks enough to see you all happy and safe," I smiled at her and she smiled through the tears. "Even if you won't accept my thanks," she put her cheek against my chest "You still have it, and that's good enough for me." She hugged me tightly one more time then stepped back. I stepped close to her and kissed her lightly, quickly, then stepped back.

She looked at me confused "I'm glad you liked the song," I shrugged and smiled at her. She smiled back and we continued to walk towards the guild. This time she was closer to me and I couldn't help but put and arm around her waist, making her tense slightly but then she relaxed. "I didn't just liked it, I loved it," she mumbled under her breath, not thinking that I would hear.

-=Skip Forward to they got to the Guild Hall=-

When we came nearer to the guild I dropped my arm and Lucy stepped a little away. I didn't want the guild to know yet and neither, it seemed, did Lucy. We walked in and the whole guild smiled at us "Welcome back!" Mira said with a bright smile. Everyone went back to their own business while Lucy and I went to go sit down. On our way I whispered in Lucy's ear "I thought you said the guild was worried about me?" "If I hadn't come to get you they soon would've been," "You're a liar," "Hmm?" "You were worried about me not the guild."

She glared at me "That's not true, I know you can handle yourself, I don't have any reason to worry." She walked off and sat down, purposely not looking at me when I sat down "Where were you two?" Erza asked "Yeah, it's past noon," Gray followed "Past noon? No wonder I'm hungry," my stomach thought about food and made a small noise "You haven't eaten all day?" Lucy huffed, not looking at me "No," "Where were you two?" Erza asked again more forcefully "Oh, we were in South Gate Park," "You left the guitar there," "What was that Lucy?" "You left the guitar in South Gate Park."

"Huh? Oh no, I did, I'll go get it, I'll be right back," "No, I'll go get it," Lucy stood up "Are you okay, Lucy?" She didn't answer and walked out. "What's her deal?" I had no idea, who knows what she's mad about? It's Lucy. Just one of the reasons I love her. She really could be a pain but still, she had a way of making it seem not so bad. I watched her go and turned back to Erza and Gray.

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