Flashes of the Future (Cedric Diggory x Reader)

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description: you always had the gift of seeing the future; perhaps this could benefit your boyfriend Cedric Diggory?

word count: 3.2k 

For as long as you could remember, you had a special gift with Divination. Not prophecies, you were no Professor Trelawney, but rather visions, or as you called it "flashes" of the future. The first instance of this occurring happened when you were five and you saw a flash of a swing set and the sound of a snap. At first, you thought nothing of it and just believed it to be a silly day dream. But when your childhood best friend fell off the swing and broke his arm the next day, something clicked within your tiny head. Your parents didn't believe you when you told them, why should they have? They simply said it was a nightmare and a "coincidence" which you began to believe. But over the years, a pattern began to appear within your head. First you would feel dizzy, then everything around would became dull and gray until all that was left was flashes of images. And later those images would happen in real life. Coming from a muggle family, they did not know how to nurture your gift so it could grow. Instead, you were left with small glimpses and no skills of interpretation. By the time you found out you were a witch and made it to Hogwarts, it seemed to be too late to help grow the talent to its fullest ability. Professor Trelawney sure did try her best but unfortunately none of her methods seem to help in clarity. Only her, Professor Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall were aware of what you possessed. Of course, they didn't treat you any differently but you were discouraged to tell any of your classmates. Surprisingly though, it was quite easy to settle with the little gift you had alone. It certainly helped with classes but honestly it never truly impacted you that much besides making you feel different,

You met Cedric in your third year, his fourth year. Honestly, you would describe it more as being graced with his presence than just simply meeting. It had already been the best day of your life as you had tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and been selected as the newest Chaser. Everyone around you was congratulating you and Cedric, who just happened to be on the field, came over as well. You'll never forget how gorgeous he looked as the sunlight hit his face, making his skin appear almost sparkly. His hair was all across his forehead and his uniform was snug tight on his chest. But it was his smile that you now remembered most of all as you recognized it immediately. At the age of seven, you had a flash of a smile which had been one of the more positive visions and since then you had been obsessed with finding who it belonged to. And there he was in front of you. This initial meeting was the most interaction the two of you had for about three months. It wasn't until you came to the Quidditch field for more practice late one night that you were near Cedric once again. He was high in the sky, obviously working on his eyesight in the dark, but when he saw your small figure on the ground he made his way to you. Simply put, you were starstruck by him but Cedric didn't seem to notice (and if he did, he didn't seem to care). He greeted you warmly, congratulated you on the Gryffindor win from the last weekend, and asked why you were out so late. You told him you were there was for practice and, for what reason you still don't know, boldly asked him for advice and help. The rest of the night, Cedric and you flew around together with him throwing quaffles at you while you tried to score. Not only did you learn several tricks but you and Cedric bonded immensely. So much so, you both decided to make this "late night practice" a weekly thing. And so, every Wednesday the two of you would find yourselves on the Quidditch pitch for hours on end. These long nights turned more and more away from Quidditch practices towards getting truly know each other. It was these moments where you began to fall in love with him. Never had you been so open and vulnerable in front of another person and have them completely accept you with open arms. You wouldn't know until later, but Cedric was thinking the very same thoughts you were. Never before had he met someone so genuine, so loving, and supportive. When he opened up about his struggles with how everyone talked about him but never to him, he could tell you were the exception. You cared about his feelings, you accepted him with his flaws, and you were so bold and open. How could he not fall for you? And everything came together on a fateful March night when Cedric muttered the words "Y/N, you make me so happy, can we please be happy together?"

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