Chapter 1

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Jade's P.O.V
I started my day relaxed and refreshed, and screaming my head off.
I'd had that dream again.
You know, the one that emotionally-scarred people have, about the night their parents died.
Yeah that's the one.
This time though, it was worse.
Why you ask?
Well, the night James and Pamela Waco died, was in fact my sister and I's first day of school.
And today is too, my first day of high school at Lrignaf Academy For The Gifted, a school for um...gifted students.
Am I a 'gifted' student?
Yeah, you could say that.


"Jade, what in the world are you screaming about?" Came the tired voice of my fraternal twin sister Eliza.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just...I just had a bad dream is all."
My sister sighed and sat up, "Jade, mom and dad died almost four years ago, you can't still be having that dream."
I looked up, "How did you know I was having that dream again?" I asked
Her face softened, "Because I know you Jade, we're twins for crying out loud."
I laughed, "Oh yeah, r-right."
She smiled and ruffled my hair, she does that more often than you think, being older and wiser by 10 freaking minutes. She looked at me, my brown eyes staring at nothing, and snapped her fingers in front of my eyes, and I suddenly was back in the real world. "C'mon Jade, we have school."
Strangely, I wasn't, upset. I'd wanted to go to this school ever since my cousin Danny was freshman there when I was in 6th grade.
I was sucker punched in the gut by reality when I heard my Aunt Sally call, "Jade, Eliza, Danny, get up! it's your first day of school!"
My Aunt Sally and Uncle Rick had been our caregivers ever since our parents died, which neither me nor Eliza have a problem with, considering they're the best caregivers ever.
However, they don't have the best offspring, Their children (our cousins) are both a pain.
Alison makes up for it by being absolutely adorable, she is only 4-years-old and sleeps for most of the day, but Danny, well, he's a different story.
Trust me, Danny Jones is the biggest pain in the behind you will ever meet in your entire life.
He's like one of those older brothers in those T.V. shows except worse.
Full name: Daniel Ryan Jones.
Power(s): changing his body parts into common metal objects, and extreme jackassdom.
Wait, did I mention we have superpowers?
Age: 18 (was held back in 8th grade)
So there you have it, Danny Jones.


"Wow mom this is really good." Danny said in a sly voice, "What's your secret?"
My Aunt looked annoyed, "What do you want now?" She asked, taking a bite out of some toast.
"Do I always have to want something mother?" He asked.
Eliza and I looked at each other, "Yes," we both said in unison.
Danny rolled his blue eyes, "Alrighty then," he turned to Aunt Sally, "Can I drive the car to school today?"
Aunt Sally looked at Eliza and I, and then at Danny, "Sure, dear."
I couldn't believe my ears, did my Aunt Sally just let her son, Danny Jones, bad boy supreme, use the car?
Danny got up out of his chair and did what looked like a victory chicken-dance, while me and Eliza just sat there in awe, with our mouths hanging open.
"Ah-ah-ah," she said, "On one condition," hearing those words, Danny slumped back into his chair, "You have to bring Jade and Eliza with you."
Danny jumped up almost immediately. "WHAT?! No! There is no way I'm letting a bunch of punk freshmen ride with me to school! Do you know what the guys will think of me when to see those little bastards with me in the car? I'll be the laughing stock of 12th grade! Oh wait, no, NO I'LL BE THE LAUGHING STOCK OF LRIGNAF ACADEMY!" He screamed.
"Fine then, I guess you'll be taking the bus to school." My aunt added coolly.
Danny's face was a cherry bomb set to explode any second, but we all ignored him, this happens a lot more often than you'd think.
After many moments of awkward silence, cherry bomb finally exploded, "FIIIIIINE! I'll take the girls to school." He lowered his voice, and turned to us: "But I'm warning you two punks, you do one thing to embarrass me and..." He turned his finger into a knife and pretended to cut his head off. "...Got it?"
Eliza and I nodded, horror struck.
The knife turned back into his finger, "Good." He said, blue eyes glaring.
And with that we grabbed our bags, and proceeded to the car.


Aunt Sally didn't want us using the van, so we took Uncle Rick's old pickup truck, which luckily had two back seats.
Now I know what your thinking, were was Uncle Rick during all this?
That's simple, he was working down in the basement or what he called it his "Rickcave."
Since Uncle Rick doesn't actually have any powers, he conducts experiments at home trying too, while Aunt Sally actually pays all the bills.
She owns and manages an art store in Brooklyn called Party Painters Supplies & Co. with her friend from junior high, while we stay right here in Manhattan.


When we got in the driveway, Danny was already in the, car.
"Alright Danny-is-bad-a-lot, scoot over, we've got places to be." I said in a maybe-too-cocky voice.
He smiled evilly, "And I'll drive you," his smile grew wider, "On one condition."
His smile grew even wider, while mine faded. "And what is it?"
"If you can catch me."
And with that he sped off.

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