. 26 - Good ending finale.

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- Darryl's POV -

Zak signed me up for a therapist, and I signed him up for one too. Honestly, we both needed one.

The therapist is nice, she's a nice lady who just asks me questions.

After we recovered we went back to school, people seemed much more nice to us.

I was getting better, I felt better. I think Zak does too, he seems pretty happy too.

We visit Vincent's grave often, I can see Zak misses him dearly. It breaks my heart.

We've been doing alright, we broke up for now to sort out our personal issues since being in a relationship and all that stress didn't help much.

We plan on getting back together in the future when we recover fully. I always text him late at night, and he's always there for me.

That mystery disease wasn't so bad, at least we got a as-good-as-it's-gonna-get ending.



This book was a pain, I'm so glad to be done with this.

On that note:
Don't remember me by this book. Please check out other stories I've made or are in the process of making. They'll be 100 times better then this flaming piece of plot garbage.
And if you didn't like the book, great. We can hate it together, watch it burn as the sun sets in the distance.

Because, hell I really want to delete this. But for y'alls sake, I won't. So Here's the ending, I hope it's good enough.

This book was more of me experimenting with plot types, villains, cliffhangers, plot twists etc.

Oh yeah, and Skeppy, if you somehow click or tap on this, just say the magic words of: " Not comfortable" And I will delete this faster then you could say 14. I respect you and your privacy, you don't like it? Just say so. And poof, it's like this book never happened.

Good riddance book.

So glad I don't ever have to tap on you again.

To my readers:

It's been one hell of a journey. This some how blew up for some unknown reason, so a bunch of y'all showed up.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart you've made my experience on this app so wonderful. You, the person reading this. You made me want to make more stories. You made my account to who it is today.

Please don't forget me, but don't remember me with this. Remember me as the one who writes stories.

If you read this far, thank you. <3333
I'll see you next journey, amazing person.

-Harp <333





-Zak's POV-

I hear something, is that Darryl? I blink open my eyes, a fuzzy vision with faint beeping noises could be heard.

I'm in the hospital again, but why? What happened?

I hear footsteps rush over, the faint noises of shoes hitting the floor and unknown voices. It was quite overwhelming.

I hear a few, 'He's' and 'waking'. It was all a jumbled mess though.

I blink a few times, trying to regain a clear perspective on what's happening. A quiet ringing in my ears threaten to override the noises of other people.

Slowly but surely i finally regain enough vision to see doctors standing near my bed, a heart monitor and wires. Lots and lots of wires.

I find myself thinking about the countless wires back then, it makes me want to rip them out in a fit of anger.

A doctor tells me something incoherently. It's quite hard to understand them with this stupid ringing.

But then.

That voice.

"Zak! You're awake, i thought it would never happen!" I hear a pair of footsteps rush to my bedside, the ringing completely disappeared.

"Vin... ce... nt..?" I mumble in confusion, is this a joke the world is playing on me? Am i hallucinating?

I feel the very real feeling of Vincent grabbing my cold hands into his warm ones.

"Where... Where is.. Darryl?" I ask quietly, my voice almost reaching a quiet mumble.

"Zak.. "

"Who is Darryl?" He asks.

I feel something. A pain i can't describe. It's numb but so utterly painful.

"How do you.. Not remember? .. Darryl.." I feel myself desperately cling onto the hope he just forgot.

"Zak.. I don't know what you saw but.. You've been in a coma for the past three months. "


The end ^^

~ Forest Green ~ (SkepHalo)Where stories live. Discover now