Chapter 5 - At The Police Office

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Third PoV
Two cheetas policemen immediately released the prisoners, including Paddle Pop. With the ship back to the dock, Paddle Pop and the other prisoners were taken to the police car. Then they were taken to the police station for questioning before finally being sent home.

Paddle Pop was sitting in a room at the police station with some of the other prisoners. He had back his lion staff and his waist bag which the criminals had taken.

A policeman in the form of a human tiger tapped Paddle Pop on the shoulder

"You're silent. Did your family call already?" He asked kindly.

Paddle Pop just sighed. Not a word came out of his mouth.

Seeing Paddle Pop's reaction, the tiger cop felt something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting next to Paddle Pop.

"Actually... I don't know where this is. All I know is I felt into a black hole, bobbed in a place with endless darkness, then a light dazzled my eyes, then my body felt attracted to gravity, and suddenly I arrived in this town. "

The tiger cop was shocked. "Are you the one who appeared from the white holes that appeared at various points in the town sky this morning?"

"Maybe." Answered Paddle Pop.

The tiger policeman then sighed. There was a tone of pity and pity in his breath.

"Wait a minute, please!" Said the policeman while standing up. He then quickly got into a room.


Paddle Pop's PoV
I stared at the empty lunch box. I pondered. Today is really full of unexpected things. I felt into a black hole, appeared in the unknown place, was chased by criminals, caught and put in a small and stuffy place, taken to the dock, to be traded on the slave market. Then rescued by a troop called police. Then...

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the door opening. I turned and saw the tiger cop walking towards me, accompanied by the policeman who had the jaguar form.

"Have you finished eating?" Asked the tiger cop.

"Yes." I answered.

"All right, then now come with me, yes!" The tiger cop took my hand and led me to a room. "Oh and, just give the box to my friend! Let him throw it in the trash."

I just obeyed. I gave the box to the jaguar police. Then I followed the tiger cop into a room.

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