Chapter 8 - Go To The Charity House

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The car zooms across the deserted town. Most of the shops which I saw were closed.

Jeez! What time is it?

I looked at the large clock that stood out in the dark night.

It is ten o'clock? I'm not surprise.

"Paddle Pop..."

Mrs. Chery's voice broke the silence that had been engulfing. I turned my head. "Yes?"

"You are lucky!"


"There are a lot of people coming from the white holes today. Charity house all over the town has so many new people live in. You are lucky to get the last place at my charity house. The other charity house across town were fulled before lunch."

I was dumbfounded to hear that.

And that makes me more convinced of the possibilities that I made.

"In my charity house..." Mrs. Chery continued. "We separate the building for women's and men's rooms. Each men and women has ten rooms. And one room is for two person."

"Two person? It's that means I'll get a roommate?"

"That's right! And speaking of your roommate... there's an interesting story about him."

"Interesting story?"

"Your roommate... he just arrived in this afternoon. A townspeople saw him come out of the white hole. Cause of afraid, he immediately called the authorities-"


"Yes! He said the figure looked scary. And it is scary. The authorities tried to ask him to come with them nicely. But he refused it. The authorities again tried to ask him to come with them three times. And... well, that figure may have lost his patience so he attacked using the power of his energy wave which seemed very deadly. It made the townspeople around there uproared and scared. Well, coincidentally one of my subordinate was near of that place. She was about to return to the charity house from bought some charity house's need. The initiative prompted her to assist the authorities. She then said a power-locking spell. "

Mrs. Chery took a brief breath before continuing. "The creepy-looking creature then could not use his power. Realizing who was cause it, he tried to attack my subordinate. But he was immediately caught by the authorities. After going through several things, he was finally sent to my charity house."

"Wait a minute, Mrs. Chery, you said he looks scary? And has a wave of deadly energy?" I asked to make sure.

"Yes ..." said Mrs. Chery.

I'm speechless.

No! That's cannot be! Or... can it be?

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