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Quinn's phone had been pretty dry for a few days, which wasn't too surprising to her. She wanted to give Santana space, so she would wait for her to text first. Or to call.

What she did know from the couple of conversations she had with Santana was that practices were extra long, Daytona prep proved to be a new level of hell and it absolutely wiped her out. She called one right before she went to bed and she could barely keep her eyes open. Quinn didn't keep her on the phone for long at night because she knew how important this competition was. But what was more important was that Santana got rest. She had KT tape on her left shoulder, which was a reoccurring injury since high school.

"Hey Q, anything from Santana toady?" It was Tuesday night, Quinn and her roommates were home and had just finished eating dinner.

"Nothing, but she's busy. Daytona is soon, and their prep is outrageous. Way more than anything Sue could've ever thrown at us."

Jess closed her laptop, and looked up at Quinn. Emily turned the recliner towards her as well. "Quinn? Let's talk."


Santana felt like she had taken a few steps backwards. Even though her conversation with Quinn the other day wasn't that bad, she still felt it.

It distracted her and caused her to mess up on a simple stunt that ended with her being caught wrong and it hurt her shoulder. She didn't tell Quinn that though, when they talked on FaceTime the other night. She tried her best to hide the KT tape, but the athletic trainer only had the brightest color of pink known to man.

When she was questioned by Quinn, she lied. She lied because she didn't want Quinn worrying about her more than she already was. Santana knew that Quinn was worried after their conversation the day she was hungover.

Practice had just finished and Santana was going to the athletic trainers office to ice her shoulder. It was a good way to end a long day. When she got there, Jay was just getting into the ice bath. She was a tumbler for the co-ed team.

"Hey San. You okay?"

"Yeah, just a old shoulder injury I've had for a while. I tweaked it when I cradled wrong." Santana sat on the treatment bed directly across of Jay.

"Ah I see." Jay shifted in her tub. "How's your girlfriend?"

Santana looked shocked. "What girlfriend?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Cait was saying that the girl you were talking to the night of the party was you girlfriend. Was she joking? Because oh- shit. I'm sorry dude."

That's when she remembered what Caitlyn was saying as she walked out onto the balcony as she shut the door. This bitch, she thought to herself.

"No it's okay. Quinn's a friend of mine from high school. One of my best friends actually."

"Oh! Is that the girl that came to a couple of our practices? The blonde one."

"Yeah, that's her." Santana replied. "But I don't know, lately-"

"Lately you think that you might have feelings for her."

Santana thought about what she was about to say next. Never, in her wildest dreams did she think that she would admit to having feelings for Quinn. But it was a different reality now. Santana deserved to be happy. And for the last few weeks? That's what Quinn had done for her.

"Yeah. I think I might have feelings for her. You mind if I talk to you about it?"

"Go for it"


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