The Tulip

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I felt the wind blow on my face as I left the exam hall. My hands were sweating from the constant writing and my jaw sore from the grinding of my teeth, but it was over. A small smile appeared on my face. School is over, forever…well until University, but for now my mind can relax.

I saw my classmates all hug each other in honour of our last exam, but I’m not one of those people, I mean, I don’t mind being around them, but I don’t see the point. We just wrote an exam, what’s the big deal?

I walked past everyone celebrating and made my way to my car. As I walked cross the road, a boy caught my eye, no no, he was more of a man. He had a light pink shade hair colour and huge eyes. Wow he’s hot! No y/n, don’t think of that now, you’re finally free from this prison.

I looked away and got into my car. I sighed. What do I do now?

I decided to head back home and greet my parents.

“Hi mom! Hi dad! I’m back from school” I shouted because I specifically didn’t want them to pick me up and congratulate me, but I know they care so I wanted to tell them how it went.

No response.

I then heard the sound of small footsteps running down the hall, it belonged to my favourite creature in the world, Yuki, my dog. He’s my best friend. He cuddles with me, doesn’t want to talk all the time and doesn’t gossip about me. Yes, I know he is just a dog but he means more to me than you might think.

“Hello boy!” I said repeatedly while stroking his body and playing with him. 0“Where’s mom and dad?” I asked, but obviously no reply.

I went to the kitchen and saw a sign on the fridge that said “Went out for the day. Hope your last exam was good! Left you some money to go and buy yourself some dinner – will only be back home late. Love you” signed ‘Mom and Dad’.

I looked at Yuki “Look’s like it’s just you and me” and went to my room to change into casual clothes.

After about an hour Yuki came running to my room wagging his tail.

“What do you want boy? I’m lying in bed now” and he just wagged his tail more. I got up “You want to go for a walk?” I said as I grabbed his leash and he uncontrollably started barking. “Okay, okay calm down”


Yuki and I went for a walk in my favourite park, well it was more of a garden. It had mazes, vegetable patches, a dam and even a restaurant overlooking the  mountains – it was my safe spot. I often came to this place to calm down when I feel too anxious or I need to clear my head, and of course, Yuki loves it too because he always joins me.

I felt the Tulips as I walked past them – they’re my favourite. Today, they felt especially smooth, as compared to other times. Mmh, maybe it’s because I am finally done with school?

I thought about all the things I want to do this holiday before University while I walked through the flower garden as Yuki ran around smelling the flowers. I want to travel, get a job and definitely just relax. Ugh, life is so much better without school, I mean, as an 18 year old life should be good.

I sneakily attempted to pick a purple Tulip, but was interrupted by Yuki’s barking. Ugh, why is this dog acting like this? I quickly picked the flower and ran to see where he was. I walked around the corner to see a Papillion dog sniffing his butt. Aww, Yuki found a girlfriend. I watched the two sniff each others butts. I felt kind of awkward just watching them so I turned around to walk the other way but I bumped into someone and dropped my Tulip.

I looked up and saw a boy, I guess a few years older than me, with a worried face, but his face was…nice? Nice to look at. Okay, fine he was pretty good looking with his purple hair and animated eyes, geez y/n what’s with you and looking at boys suddenly?

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