The Galaxy I Want To Explore

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Once I finished my bath, I walked out and saw the boy Taeyong was talking to earlier, his name is Minho, I think.

He looked up from his phone and stood up “Oh hello” he bowed and I smiled back. “He’s just gone to the bedroom, he should be back any minute” Minho said as he awkwardly smiled and moved his head.

We both stood there not knowing what to say or do. Then the thought came to my mind, why am I here? Suddenly the thought of being alone with a boy I didn’t know reminded me of Taemin and I didn’t feel comfortable.

“Are you good friends with Taeyong?” I asked inquisitively trying to brush off my fear.

Minho’s head popped up from his phone and he smiled “Yeah, we’ve been friends forever, he’s like a little brother to me”

Little brother? How old is Minho then?

Just then Taeyong walked in and he smiled as his eyes met mine – my fear disappeared.

“Hi y/n, your” he stopped and scratched the back of his head “I mean our room is ready” he said awkwardly and my eyes widened.

Did he just say ‘our room?’

Minho popped his head up again and waved his hands at me “Yeah, I’m sorry y/n, but I’ve only got one spare room”

“But I can sleep on the floor” Taeyong interrupted and looked at the ground “I don’t mind”

“Thanks Minho, but I’m sure I can just go sleep at my dorm. It will cause a lot less hassle” I said grabbing my things but I was stopped by Taeyong’s hand on mine as I tugged on the strap of my bag.

I looked into his eyes and it felt as if I saw his soul.


His words left me dumbfounded.

He cleared his throat “I can’t trust Taemin around you so its just safer if you sleep here”

The sound of Taemin’s name sent a trigger in me and before I knew it, I had grabbed my bags and ran to the bedroom. I felt the air becoming tighter and my breathing becoming fast and panicky. I attempted to calm down but all the memories of Taemin came back and by this time my breathing stopped.

I fell on the floor from lack of oxygen and crouched as I held my hands in my chest in attempted to calm down, but it was only until I felt an embrace from behind I became aware of my surroundings.

I heard a calm boy’s voice speak and I followed his voice.

“That’s it, just tap your hand on your chest” he said softly as I did what he said.


I counted as I tapped my hand and I felt my breathing slowly becoming controlled and calmer. I opened my eyes and saw Taeyong focusing on my taps. His eyes met mine and I couldn’t help but feel the beating of my heart increase.

“Do you feel better?” he whispered and I nodded.

Our eyes glued to each other and for moments we stared into each other’s souls. His eyes were a galaxy I wanted to explore, but before anything happened Taeyong broke away “Goodnight” he said sweetly before leaving the room.


I woke up and Taeyong’s bed was empty, neatly made, almost as if he didn’t sleep here. Thoughts were running through my head, did he sleep here?

I got up and made my way to the kitchen to see Minho making breakfast, but I wasn’t hungry.

He greeted me with a smile “Morning y/n. Did you sleep well?”

If by well, do you mean having nightmares of a man nearly raping you, then yes.

Obviously I didn’t say that though, so I just smiled back “Yep” and he resumed with the breakfast.

I looked around and Taeyong still wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I checked my messages to see if he said anything, but nope. Just then I got a call from Jungwoo.

“Hi” I answered.

“Y/n! Oh I’m so glad to hear you’re safe! Did you sleep well? Where did Taeyong take you?” he sounded happy but also upset.

“I’m at his friend Minho’s house” I said as Minho turned around and smiled with a thumbs up.

“Okay! I’m coming over right now” he said and hung up in an instant.

I looked at Minho “Jungwoo’s coming over soon”


The doorbell rang and I opened it to see Jungwoo and…wait for it…just wait…Yuta. I was immediately greeted with a warm embrace from Jungwoo. “I’m so sorry, you’re safe now” he whispered in my ear which made my heart warm. He really is a good friend.

Yuta smiled at me with the sweetest smile ever and it actually made me feel a lot better. I mean, I don’t hate him or anything, he’s actually really nice, but he just annoys me because of his crush on me.

“Y/n, I brought you some muffins” Yuta said as he placed the most beautiful carrot muffins in front of me. Okay, maybe Yuta isn’t that bad.

“Thanks guys, really, but you didn’t have to come all this way just to see me” I said because I really did appreciate it.

“It was really just an excuse to see my bestie” Jungwoo poked me and it made me laugh.

Just then, the front door opened revealing Taeyong. He walked over to us and smiled before placing muffins on the table…carrot muffins. His smile dropped when he saw the other bunch of muffins.

“I guess we both had the same idea” Yuta smirked at him and Taeyong didn’t seem happy.

Minho turned around from the oven and shouted “The French toast is ready! Oh and since we have so many muffins, we can share them” Minho smirked at Taeyong as he rolled his eyes.

Soon breakfast was over and Taeyong made an announcement “Thanks Hyung for the breakfast, but y/n and I need to get going” he said as he got up from the table. Everyone looked at me as he said my name, and even me myself was surprised. But I got up and followed Taeyong outside.

I stopped walking as soon as we got outside. “Where are we going?” I asked before getting in, because in all honesty, my trust has been broken ever since last night.

Taeyong turned to me “Your favourite place” he said and got into the car.


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