
17 2 0

“Your favourite place”
he said and got into the car.

After about an hour drive we reached our destination, the garden’s at home – my garden.

We walked slowly around, appreciating the beauty. It was spring and all the flowers were beginning to bloom. I felt the Tulips with my fingertips again as we walked through the meadow, and this time they were smooth. I smiled as I saw Taeyong – he knew exactly where I needed to go.

“Y/n” he said softly and I looked at him smiling as he held out a pink Tulip “Here, I couldn’t find any purple ones, but these looked pretty enough”

I blushed at his actions as I took the flower and he made a small smile.

We walked further to a closed off area where cherry blossoms were beginning to bloom.

“Taeyong” I stopped walking and looked at him. His skin glowed from the sun and his light purple hair sparkled, he is honestly perfect.

“Thank you for bringing me here” I smiled and he moved closer with his eyes still glued on mine.

“I’m glad you’re safe now” he said before embracing me in the warmest hug. He broke it, but still his arms stayed wrapped around me. For moments we started into each others eyes before slowly moving closer edging our lips together.

The kiss was soft and sweet, but Taeyong knew exactly what he was doing. He sent butterflies racing all over my body by the single touch of his skin. After a few moments, he pulled back.

His face changed completely as his eyes ran across every inch of my face.

“I’m sorry…I…I shouldn’t have done that” he said as he backed away.

I stood there. What just happened? That was magic. My mind replayed the kiss but by the time I snapped back into reality, Taeyong was gone.

The pink Tulip still in my hair and the rush of adrenaline still in my body, I ran home in tears; through the mazes, the flower beds and past the restaurant. Finally I made it home – and I was greeted by my favourite high schoolers.

“Y/n!” both Mark and Haechan ran up to me and pulled me into a big hug. I quickly wiped the tears off my face before embracing both of them.

“What are you doing here?” I said as I fake smiled.

“I invited them over sweetie” my dad said as he and my mom walked into the living room. I ran over and gave them both a hug.

My mom took my hand “Y/n love, Jungwoo called us and told us what happened” she said as she squeezed my hand.

“And we came over as soon as we heard Taeyong was going to bring you here” Haechan said as he looked around “Where is Taeyong-Hyung?”

“Oh he wanted to go home, he needed to finish some work” I lied.

“Well, we just finished making dinner, so how about we eat?” my dad said and we made our way to the dinning room but my mom stopped me.

“Are you okay (y/nickname)” she asked concerned.

“I’m fine Eomma” I said in an assuring way.

“Alright, we can talk tomorrow morning” she said and planted a kiss on my forehead.

I love being home and I love my family. I wish I didn’t have to go back to University.

Just then the doorbell rang “I’ll get it” I told my mom and made my way to the door. I opened it and saw Taeyong looking concerned.

“Y/n!” he said as he wrapped his arms around me in another warm embrace, which surprised me. He broke the hug and backed away. “Oh sorry” he scratch the back of his head “I tried calling you to find out if you’re okay, but you didn’t answer. I’m sorry I left you just like that.”

“It’s okay I-“

I was cut off by Mark.

“Taeyong-Hyung! It’s so nice to see you!” he said before hugging him.

“Who’s there?” I heard my dad shout.

“It’s Taeyong-Hyung, he’s the one who brought y/n here” Mark shouted back and I heard my dad walk over.

“Hello Taeyong” my dad said as he bowed and Taeyong bowed back “Nice to meet you Mr y/l/n” Taeyong said.

“Thank you so much for bringing my y/n back home safely, are you still busy with your work?” my dad asked and Taeyong looked at me with ‘what’s he talking about’ eyes. But after a few moments he cleared his throat “No Sir, I finished all my work, I just wanted to check that y/n got home safely”

My dad made that annoying sound all old people say “Ah! Wonderful, then you can join us for dinner” he said while inviting Taeyong in.

Dinner was awkward as it mainly consisted of weird noises from Mark and Haechan and then deep discussions from my dad and Taeyong. While I sat there most of the time trying to work out everything that has happened in the past 24 hours.

I met Taemin, and that whole thing happened, then I stayed at this random guy’s house called Minho where I had a panic attack in which Taeyong comforted me, but also left me at the same time. Then he took me to my favourite place of all time, kissed me and then left. And now he’s at my house?

I excused myself from the table and made my way to my room where I flopped onto my bed and curled into a ball.

It had been about 15 minutes I had been lying there when I heard a knock on the door.

It opened revealing Mark, Haechan and Taeyong.

“Hi Noona” Haechan said as he ran over to me followed by Mark. “We just wanted to make sure you’re alright before we leave” Mark said as he cuddled with my teddy.

“Yah! Mr Biscuits is mine!” I said as I grabbed my teddy from him.

“Yeah, you’re definitely feeling better” Haechan smiled.

If only they knew how well I was at acting.

“Okay Noona, we are going now, we’ll let you and Taeyong-Hyung talk” Mark said and they both left, leaving me and Taeyong in my room alone.

Taeyong walked over and looked at my desk. It had the pink Tulip he gave me today on it, I put it there before I lay down. His fingers brushed against the Tulip and then he looked at me.

“I’m sorry for running off like that” he said calmly but I could see he was a little shaky.

“Why did you?”

He faced me again “Because you’re with Yuta and-“

I cut him off “God! Does everyone now get to decide for me?” I said loudly and he looked surprised. “Yuta doesn’t own me, I’m my own person. And quite frankly, I’ve never had feelings for him so you can just erase the fact that Yuta and I will ever be together from your mind” I felt my face heat up from the anger inside.

Taeyong looked at me with his big eyes filled with guilt. “I’m sorry- for everything. I shouldn’t have said that and I shouldn’t have allowed Taemin to take advantage of you. I know you’re your own person, but I can’t help but care for you.”

His words hit me straight in my chest and my heart starting pumping really fast.

He walked closer to me with his sweet stare and sat next to me before taking a deep breathe.

“Y/n, I like you”

Hi guys :) sorry I haven't updated in a while, but here's a new chapter. Also sorry to Yuta and Taemin. I love y'all so much but I guess I just needed someone :( all my love to y'all nct stans

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