The Sweetest Greeting

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Taeyong’s POV:


Her name seemed to pop in my head constantly for the past month. I wonder if she found another job, or where she is? But one thing for sure was I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I guess it’s something about the way she smiles, or the way her eyes shine or…shit Taeyong snap out of it.


I looked up from my half unpacked suitcase and saw my friend Jungwoo – he’s actually more of a brother.

“Taeyongieeee” he giggled as he ran up to me with all his luggage.

“Yah! Treat me with respect!” I shouted back but couldn’t refused smiling as he gave me a big hug.

“Sorry Hyung, I’m just so excited! We’re finally roommates!” he smiled again.

I just laughed as I finished unpacking my bag.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Jungwoo with puppy eyes. Ugh, what does he want now. I stood there looking at him.

“Taeyong-Hyung pleaaaase can I go hang out with my one friend before I unpack. I just want to see how she’s doing” he begged.


“And who might this ‘friend’ be?” I asked in the most protective way.

Jungwoo replied with a serious face “Nah, it’s not like that, I just work with her and she said she’s also beginning here today” his face went back into a pout “But, pleeaaase can I go see her? I promise I’ll unpack the second I get back AND I’ll do the dishes” he winked and obviously I couldn’t say no so I let him go.

Ugh, he always manages to convince me.

I finished unpacking and I didn’t feel like talking so I grabbed my note book and headed down to my favourite place – the university gardens. It’s just like the garden back home, but smaller, and it’s quiet – I’ve never seen other students there before.

As I walked down the hallway I saw a familiar shade of pink hair.

“Taeyong-Hyung!” I heard Yuta say as he ran up to me with arms open wide.

I hugged him back “Hey Yuta”

“Guess what?” Yuta said as he held out a badge that said ‘Hall 127 Inspector’ “I am finally an inspector! Yes!” he jumped and smiled and I just grinned back. I was happy for him, he has been wanting this position since first year.

“And the best part is” Yuta leaned in closer to my ear and whispered “I get to inspect the girl I like’s room” he wiggled his eyebrows and I chuckled in response.

“Since when? Do I know her?” I teased him.

“Yah! She actually works with me and Jungwoo” he said with a confident expression “And I think she likes me back”

“Oh, Jungwoo did mention a girl friend he works with, it seems their good friends” I put the pieces together. “I hope you two work out. Fighting!” I gave Yuta a thumbs up.

“Thanks, I can already see it” he said as he moved his hand in the air placing each word “Yuta and y/n, it sounds good” he laughed before leaving.

My face dropped. Did he say ‘y/n’? As in my ‘y/n?’ Wait, what are you saying Taeyong she’s not yours. Ugh, I shook it off and made my way to the garden where I spent all afternoon.


I woke up to the moonlight shining on my eyes as they lay under the stars. Shit, is it that late? I got up and packed my things before heading back to the dorm. As I walked up the stairs I heard the bass of music, oh no, don’t tell me it is what I think it is.

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