Party Glasses

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We walked into a room lit up by disco lights and sweaty bodies, just like the party in Jungwoo’s dorm, but this time my head was spinning. We moved in between the crowds and finally reached the bar.

“HEYYYYY!” I heard a familiar squeaky voice from behind me. I turned around and saw his lumo pink hair.

“Maaark!” I gave him a huge hug and felt a hug from behind.

I turned around and saw baby Haechan with his party glasses on “Haechaaan!”

“Wow, how drunk are you? You’re actually being loud” Jaehyun laughed as he gave me a hug. I guess I was a little tipsy…haha. And I could use any excuse to get close to Mr Handsome.

“Here, I got you a drink” Taemin appeared behind me, but before I could take the drink a hand belonging to Taeyong grabbed the drink and downed it in one shot.

“Yah! That was for y/n!” Taemin shouted and Taeyong just shrugged. I didn’t mind, I guess Taemin could’ve put anything in that drink.

“Y/N!!!!” I turned and saw Solar running up to me, so I opened my arms wide, but she stopped and looked at me. “You are going to hug me?” she looked confused. I rolled my eyes “Why is everyone so surprised? I’m allowed to act like this”

Solar smiled and approached me with a warm embrace “Aw you’re so cute”

The song changed to Stray Kids’ ‘God’s Menu’ and Solar grabbed my arm “Come on y/n! We HAVE to go dance” and the next minute I was pulled to the dance floor. At first, I was kind of awkward as I don’t know how to dance, but once I felt more confident I threw my hands in the air and started moving my body to the rhythm. 

Every now and then I looked over to see Taeyong still at the bar, drinking by himself. I took this as my shot and went over to him. With the alcohol pumping in my veins and the vibrations of the music, it helped me confront him. I sat next to him and ordered myself a drink.

“Hi” I smiled.

Shit y/n, why did you say that? You’ve literally been with him all day. I looked back to him smiling. Oh shit he’s cute. My hands were trembling and I took a breathe.

“It looked like you were having fun?” he said as he took another sip of his drink.

The barman handed me my drink and I took a sip before answering “Not really, I don’t like dancing around people that much”

He nodded and we sat in silence, well not silence because the music was blasting through our ear drums, but our conversation stayed quiet. After a few minutes I took another breathe and turned to Taeyong.

“I know I said I don’t like dancing, but do you maybe want to dance with me?”

Sweat dripped down my armpits as the words came out my mouth, I’m so thankful for the alcohol or else I wouldn’t have been able to do this.

Taeyong looked at me and took a deep sigh “I don’t want to dance”

My confidence was shot down. He just rejected me. I looked down and took another sip of my drink hoping it would take me away from this situation.

Taeyong’s POV:

Yes. I do. I really want to dance with you y/n, but I can’t.

I looked over at her as she drank her drink, wow she’s beautiful – she always has been.

And damn, she looks even more beautiful in that dress. Ugh Taeyong, why did you have to fall for your best friend’s crush?

Y/ns POV:

I decided that that was enough sulking and got out of my seat to dance. Yes, I do hate dancing, but at least it will help me try and take my mind off Taeyong. As I moved through the crowd I bumped into Taemin.

“Y/n! I was looking for you” he screamed and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. “Everyone is outside” he grabbed my hand quite harshly “Come on, let’s go to them”

He dragged me through the crowd and I looked back at Taeyong, still drinking alone. The club door opened to an alley with a cool breeze. I stopped and looked around, but no one was there.

I stepped back “Where’s everyone?”

Taemin moved closer to me “What do you mean?”

“You said everyone was waiting for us outside” I said loudly as I was getting scared.

Taemin laughed “What? No” he pointed at me “You said you wanted to come outside with me. It must be the alcohol that’s making you come up with these weird scenarios”

I’m not going to fall for your games Taemin, I’m not that stupid.

He moved closer and I moved back but I just pinned myself against a wall. He approached me and soon his face was centimetres away from mine. His one hand wrapped around my waist, gripping tightly, and the other on my neck. I sighed in fear.

“Shh, don’t worry, I’m going to make you feel good” he whispered in my ear which tensed up my body and I froze. The next moment his lips had crashed against mine with his grip tightening and pulling me against him.

His kisses moved from my lips to my neck as his hands moved lower and I tried to push him away but he was too strong.

Suddenly I heard the door bang open and I saw Taeyong standing there with his eyes wide as he saw Taemin and I.

He rushed over and threw Taemin on the floor. He got on top of him and began punching him nonstop. I tried to shout to stop them, but they wouldn’t listen, so I just closed my eyes praying everything would stop.

I opened my watery eyes and saw Taeyong walking towards me. He helped me up and I briefly saw Taemin lying on the ground, but my head turned as we both made our way back into the club.

Taeyong had his hand in mine as we searched the club for something he was looking for. Finally we saw Jungwoo and Jaehyun and Taeyong spoke to them for a bit while I stood with Mark.

“Noona are you okay?” he asked as he saw the marks on my neck and I quickly covered them as Taeyong came back. He took my hand again and we made our way out the club to a car.

“Get in, it’s okay” he said as he got in the drivers seat and I went to the passangers.

We drove a bit, but I didn’t concentrate on the streets, the smell of Taemin still reeked on me.

We arrived at an apartment close to the university. Taeyong climbed out and I followed him. He rang the doorbell and a boy with a huge smile opened the door.

“Taeyong! What are you doing here?” he smiled but then his eyes landed on me and he gave Taeyong the ‘who’s that’ look.

“I’ll explain everything, can we come inside?” he replied and we walked in.

It was a small apartment, it had two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Why did Taeyong bring me here?

As we came in Taeyong turned to me “Why don’t you go wash up while Minho and I speak” he sounded calm but also unstable, but I listened to him because I did want to get this smell off me.

I walked to the bathroom but stopped to listen to what they were talking about.

“He did it again, and this time it was to her! I can’t believe I trusted him again!” Taeyong shouted and it made me a little afraid.

“Calm down, you can’t change what happened” Minho said.

“I can! I knew something like this would happen and I didn’t stop it! Ugh! I’m such an idiot” Taeyong shouted back.

It’s not your fault Taeyong.

A tear dripped down my face and I decided not to listen anymore, so I ran a bath and soaked away my worries.

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