Chapter 6

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Minx's Pov -
I ran out the Wendy's being mad and George but also hiding things from me, I really thought he loved me but if I don't get a explanation it's over for me and him,

Our relationship will be done if he keeps hiding things from me.
Long after that I went to go get food and head back home to stream and talk about my relationship problems with George to see if people will give me and Good advice, but all I got was

"George isn't that type of person."

"You're lying"

"I'm unsubbing"

I ended the stream and shed tears when I thought my subbies loved my streams, I never thought that they would make me out as a liar so I needed proof but I'll have to get Dream and Sapnap's help on this because I KNOW George did something to them if they were acting like that there, so then I decided to add them into my discord call.

"Hey, Dream and sapnap," I said into the Mic hoping for them not to leave.

"Hello." They both said at the same time I started to small big then tell them my plan to show people George is a fraud, they sounded like they disagreed but they actually said yes to the plan but we needed more people like Eret.

I know it's going to be hard because George has many stans and subscribers so they surely wouldn't believe us first try so that's why we definitely needed people to defend me sapnap and Dream.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Dream spoke into the mic interrupting my thoughts.

"We're going call him on discord record him saying rude thingsthen post it onto YouTube."
I said with a hopeful voice because it was a Long shot since people are Skeptical.

"Ok, I guess that'll work for me." Sapnap said making clicking sounds from his Keyboard making me Laugh which sent him to pure confusion and made me laugh more but then we all started to laugh, but we had to get our plan together so I told them that and they both agreed to do that we all got him into our call but I made Dream and sapnap leave because it would seem obvious what we're doing.

so before I got him into the call I turned my recording software doing my small intro then getting him into the call then making him answer my questions which of course he did but, some how minx knew he wasn't telling the truth so she became more aggressive with him about it and he started to answer truthfully so I toned it down a bit and after he answered all my questions I stopped recording and edited the audio to make him sound mad at me, I know it was bad of me to do that but George has always been a chill person so it wouldn't make sense for him to act chill about it all.

After I edited the audio I edited the video all together and posted it as the title
'Georgenotfound is keeping Secrets', and in about a few minutes it got 100k views, so I started to scroll through the comments and there was a lot of hate but many people sided with me which made me smile brightly.

My planned worked but George only lost about a few subscribers and got only some hate on his videos but shortly after I uploaded my video Sapnap and Dream uploaded the same thing and they got little hate aswell and George started to lose subscribers.

It was going smoothly, til..

AGeorge made a video saying it wasn't true but it got way more views then me , Sapnap's and dream's video, he didn't get hate matter of fact he got lots of love and our channels started to get more hate but I ignored that and saw we hit a Million views so I surely knew everything was going to work out.

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