Chapter 8

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Thanks @bee-tux for the idea and other people :-)
Sapmap Pov -
I woke up and looked next to me
seeing that Dream wasn't there, I started to panic but grabbed my phone from the floor.

(Text time)
💭 Dream 💭:
Hey Sapnap, I'm at the store getting us some groceries, I'll be back in a few Hours.
(Bac to reality)
Sapmap Pov -
I put my phone down beside me sighing Internally, I got picked my phone back up and watched some of Dream's old videos with me, dream and George.
(Time skip brought to u by Jesus)
George's Pov -
I was playing Minecraft by myself since I was bored and my other friends were offline, or probably busy.
I have a Good idea..I'll call Sapnap.

Calling Snapmap..
"Hello?" I heard a voice come into my Headphones which surprised me but kinda of didn't.

"Hi, it's me George..I just wanted to say S-" I got cut off by him leaving the call..I guess he doesn't want to talk to me right now..

3rd Pov -
Dream came back from the store after a few hours and made them both Lunch since he came back a little late then he expected because the store he went to didn't have many things there and it was the closest place to his home and he didn't wanna leave his beloved home for so long.

"Hey, you seem stressed." Dream asks looking up from his food.

"I'm fine." Sap says clearly lying,
"Ok..if you need anything just ask m-" he says getting cut off by Nick getting up and leaving his full plate of food and heading to their bedroom.

(Sorry for pov switch so much lol)
Dream's Pov -
I saw sapnap going to our bedroom leaving his food, I'm guessing he wasn't fine..
he lies to me so much about him being fine I wish he'd just tell the truth sometimes.

Skip to bedroom time cuz that's what we all wanna see I SEE U SINNERS READING THIS BOOK!-)
Dream's Pov -
I finished my food and kept Sap's food for later if he'll eat it since I don't waste food, I wash my plate and put his plate in the fridge

I head over to our room and look over to see what he was doing..
He was crying?

"What's wrong?" I ask closing the door and walking over to him.

"I miss hanging out with George.." he says looking at me then looking back down to the floor.
"I do aswell but I don't know if he'll hang out with us anymore." I say getting up and going to my side of our bed.

"We'll just have to see but for now it's bed time for me and you." I say pulling Sapnap down from his sitting position.
"WHAT THE HECK DREAM?-" He screams falling back into my lap,
"Shhhhhh baby sap, you have school in the morning and you have to sleep." I say putting a finger on his mouth which made him cross his arms laying down.
"Whatever dude." He says getting up and laying back down into a comfortable position.

"Hope u dream about me-"

"NEVER!" He says stealing the entire side of the blanket I had from me then going to sleep.
"That's mean."

"Shut up."

(545 words lol, sorry I couldn't make this faster I didn't know what to put bc I don't ask for in depth things lUl-)

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