Chapter 4 - Nuestro camino

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Today a music video was planned. It's called ‘nuestro camino’, which means ‘our way’. This video was about Violetta and Leon time travelling. My First costume was a sleeveless, golden dress with a put up hairstyle and pearl earrings. I must say, I didn't look that awful.

I went to the room, where the video should begin. The furnishing was a little bit like the Titanic and I wondered how Jorge would look like. A few seconds later I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around - and got the giggles. No doubt, his golden suit with a black shirt suits him perfect, but his hair! It completely stuck to his head. Normally he uses tons of hair gel in order to style it perfectly. This was… I couldn’t even find words for this.

“You’re pretty.” He meant and seemed to be jealous. “You’re not.” I said with a grin. “I know, unfortunately. But, believe me. You will love my next outfit.” He laughed and we went to our positions.


Tini had such a wonderful voice, that I still couldn’t believe it. And she looked so pretty in this 1920s – dress, what I could not really say about my outfit. But now I had to concentrate to my moves and the text and don’t let myself confuse by her eyes. She does that very often, of course by accident. Always, when we act and she nearly hypnosis me – or Leon – I stand before her then and have a complete blackout. I forget every line of my text. It’s freaking me out! Even if we weren’t acting, she does that all the time. In our dancing lessons I forget my moves and in free time she replaces my thoughts with just single thought. Tini. She is making me crazy and I don’t know if I should like that or not.

In spite of herirresistible smile she gave me all the time and all her fascinating glances I could focus on my moves and I never forgot my text. Now, the music stopped and it was time for another outfit.


My stylist Jenna has turned me into a 50s-girl in just 15 minutes. I wore a red and white dress with red Chucks. My hair was a kind of a complicated ponytail and I liked it. I looked at the mirror and was rapt with what I saw. I definitely loved this style.

With a suppressed laugh I went to the next setting. It was a 50s-café or something. This made me think of Grease and I wondered, if Jorge would look like John Travolta or even like James Dean? But I was sure, that it would be better than before.


Dressed and with at least 10 kilograms of wax in my hair I sat on a chair in this Café, Bar or whatever. Records were hanging on the walls and in front of me I saw a couple of Milkshakes. I definitely preferred this setting – I say nothing of my outfit! Although the entire wax was needed for my hair, I was still ready before Tini. How she would look like? Like Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn? But I was sure, that she would look gorgeous and amazing.


When I entered the room, Jorge sat on one of these chairs and was waiting for me. Then he turned around and I my heart skipped a beat. Neither John Travolta nor James Dean were able to hold a candle to him. A pair of black Jeans, a black shirt and a black leather jacket. And the same red Chucks like me. Nothing special, but so hot! Even his hair was perfect.

He also stared at me and smiled. I almost would have run in his arms, would have pressed my body against his and would have kissed him passionately, if the director didn’t came in. I sighted. But on the other hand, it was good, because I regretted it sometime later. Not the kiss, but that fact I was in love with him.

I knew, it was nonsensical to hope, yeah, it was impossible. He was a lot older than I was, he had a girlfriend and he wasn’t interested in me at all.

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