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♡︎Amity POV:

It felt like time had stopped. Nothing was moving. It didn't even seem like anyone was breathing. The moment I saw Luz walk through the blinding light, my heart skipped a beat. It was weird seeing her again after all this time.

It was a good weird though, all my hopes of finally seeing Luz again were coming true. After a few short moments of silence, which honestly felt like an eternity to me, we all yelled out in unison.


I could immediately see the look of shock appear onto Luz's face, I could tell it took her a few moments to process what just happened, but once she did a huge, goofy smiled plastered across her face. We all walked over towards her and gave her a big group up.

I blushed profusely when I realized I was the one closest to her, I could feel her warmth and smell a hint of forest coming off of her. Luz tried wrapping her arms around all of us but only managed to get her arms around me and Willow.

Everyone started to pull away and I could hear Edric and Emira chuckle at how close I was to Luz. " I'm not gonna hear the end of it..." I thought to myself. I shuddered at the amount of teasing I would get from those two when we get back home.

I pulled away from Luz and backed up, lowering my ears and blushing from embarrassment. Luz looked around at all of us, a warm smile spreading across her face and tears in her eyes.

"You guys! You actually came to see me!" She exclaimed, Emira and Edric walked towards her, standing on each side of her. "Of course we did cutie," Emira winked, and Edric nodded, "We missed have you around." A small blush appeared on Luz's face and she laughed nervously.

I grunted, feeling a trickle of jealousy bubble up in my stomach. I was snapped out of it by a tap on my shoulder, I looked over to see Willow giving me that same smirk from earlier. I lowered my ears and felt the heat rise up in my cheeks.

"Amity~" she dragged out, putting her hands behind her back, "Are you...jealous?" She raised an eyebrow, I quickly shook my head.

"What!? No!" I argued, crossing my arms and looking away. I knew very well what the real answer to that question but there was no way I was admitting it out loud. "I'm not jealous."

"Mhmm, sure you aren't, Amity." Willow said in an unconvinced tone, which only deepened my blush. "Of course Willow knows," I mentally slapped myself, "We've known each other since we were kids. She knows me more than I know myself."

Before Willow could continue to tease me more, Boscha called her over to the kitchen counter that was riddled with snacks. Willow gave me one last teasing look then walked over to her three eyed girlfriend, I sighed. Thank the Titans, I'll have to thank Boscha for that whether she did it purposely or not.

I turned to where Luz, Edric, and Emira were but instead of Luz and her siblings, she was met with Luz's face inches away from hers. I immediately felt my face flush red and I let out a yelp, falling backwards with my arms up defensively.

I saw a flash of concern come across Luz's face as she held out her hand, "Oh my god, sorry Amity! Didn't mean to scare you!" I tried calming myself down as I grabbed her hand and picked myself up, "It's fine, Luz. You just startled me is all." I breathed out.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗵'𝘀 𝗙𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯 (TOH Lumity AU)Where stories live. Discover now