Chapter 5

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As I walk in to the gym a couple guys stare at my but then look away. I hope they weren't looking at my pants. I noticed hyunjin sitting alone but he didn't seem lonley, I guess he likes being alone. The gym was vertically split between boys and girls. I picked a spot and sat there.

Hyunjins POV
Right when I see y/n enter the gym I noticed her shorts weren't the kind the other girls were wearing. I also noticed how the guys away from me were talking about her body in not so good ways. It pisses me off when guys do that.

Y/n's POV
"Okay class today we will be doing some outdoor running.• the teacher said. I hate this it way too hot outside to be running. Before we got outside everybody was taking Huge gulps of water from the water fountain but I didn't because I didn't want to have to pee in the middle of running. As we walk outside the teachers took us to the shady part of the trail I guess she took pity on us thank god.
I did not want to pass out I already have a bit iron deficiency. I start slow jogging for the first minute as a warm up and then I start to run a little. As I kept running the guys that were staring at me earlier were going slow and a bit behind me. I could tell they weren't the slow type of runners, maybe they were just lazy I mean there's a whole class for athletics but they picked this class.

Hyunjins POV
I'm walking behind a group of guys who are just slow jogging, I know I'm supposed to be running but I really don't care about these classes. Though now I do start to speed up a little bit I can hear the conversation that those guys are talking about."okay on a count of 3 that's when we'll do it's." One of the guys say. What are they planning on doing, I don't have a good feeling about this. "2...3!" I hear the guy say. They all start to run up behind y/n.

Y/n's POV
I was getting really optimistic at this point in running until... smack after smack after smack and so on for another 2 more. I felt all of those boys who were behind me hands slap me in the ass. Was it because of my pants?i slowed down so fast it led to a halt. I just stood there on the dirt path eating the dust they left when they ran. Soon I was looking down at the ground and then saw tears fall making the ground moist.

Hyunjins POV
So that's what they were planning. My blood started to boil. I started running really fast when I realized I passed y/n I turned my head still running to see her crying. That made me even more mad, so as soon as I caught up to the boys at the finish line I walked up behind them. They were walking back to the building, they all started laughing and high fiving each other. My fists clenched so hard I'm pretty sure I was cutting my self with my nails digging into my hands.right when I entered the building I saw y/n all ready out of her uniform and waiting for the bell it was still 15 minutes until then. I followed the boys into the locker room and I started beating them upon without giving them a chance to see what was coming. Most of them were on the ground with black eyes and bruises all over their bodies and the guy I was currently fighting was yelling at me and trying to swing at me. He already had a really bad busted lip and black eye. But his yelling is what made the male p.e teachers pull us away.turn out y/n already told the female teacher and was just talking to the male teachers about it. So I went to the nurses office the only thing on my body was some bruises on my chest, arm and a little red around my throat from one of the guys trying to choke me. I got a week of detention meanwhile those guys had to go to the hospital for some stitches and detention for 3 weeks.

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