Chapter 7

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1 week later
I was finally out of detention, those assholes still were there though. I felt really happy to go back to class, to see y/n. I blush just thinking about her. But when I got to class my happinesses dropped. Y/n, the way y/n was looking at that new guy zack.

Y/n's POV
Since these weeks have been passing I've been feeling so happy hanging out with Zack. I-I think I might be starting to have feelings for him. We were talking to close, he was sitting in his chair backwards too. I was getting so absorbed into the conversation we were having I heard something heavy drop next to me, it was hyunjins backpack. I look up to see hyunjin look lonely looking and sad. "Hey hyunjin?" I said sweet voiced and really excited. He responded with "shut up." It hurt me when he said that so much that in a couple seconds of my head repeating his words that my eyes started getting teary. Zack noticed how rude he was being but he didn't want to say anything.

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