| Olivia | 1994 |

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It was a dark morning in November, it was freezing outside and Olivias history teacher thought if would be the perfect day to go on a class trip. To her teacher it was just a usual morning. Little did she know that her students wouldn't come back alive from this trip. The drive to the museum went pretty neat, everyone was in a quite good mood, they were chatting or listening to music on their walkmen. The day in the museum wasn't exactly what you'd call hyper exciting, it was the complete opposite. Livi was bored about everything, all exhibitions, there wasn't any exception. She waited for all of this to be over so she could go home tell her parents and brother about the most boring day in all of her life and in the evening she and her bro would go to band practice, like every tuesday evening. "Time to go kids, take all your stuff and get on the bus!", and with this words all students borded the bus. The driver started the engine and drove off back to school were they never arrived.
"Breaking News! School bus slided over icy road and overturned multiple times...", the reporter showed a picture of a school bus that was completely destroyed. "Sadly none of the students involved have survived the accident, our condolence goes out to all of the families that lost their children today." Not even a quarter second later the telefone rang.
Her brother had seen her that day, in the morning, just before she got on the bus. She was healthy back then and most importantly, she was alive. Now, a few days later, she wasn't. There she laid, in a coffin, a peaceful expression on her face, which was full of cuts. Dead. The tears never stoped flowing down his cheeks, they dripped down his chin onto the church floor. He turned to his parents "This isn't real, right? I'm dreaming, right? I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and she's gonna be there and anoy the hell out of me, like always, right Dad...?", he looked at his mom "Please mum...tell me that all of this is nothing more than a vey bad dream." She shook her head "It's not a dream, Olivia is gone...my little girl is gone".
"Livi isn't gone! She can't be. She's fine...this is not real..this is not real!!"
"Luke snap out of it! Your sister is gone...she's gone..", his dads words made him realise that this indeed wasn't dream. He sank down on his knees, his shoulders shook and he finally let the sobs out that were stuck in his throat. He sobbed,  cried and screamed. His parents told him about his mental breakdown afterwards, cause he couldn't remember what happened that day. All he knew is that he woke up in his bed the next day, with a headache and red swollen eyes, he felt like crap and most definitely looked like a freshly turned zombie. The young teen got out of bed and slowly walked out of his room, with heavy steps. Luke opened the door to his sisters room and let his eyes wander around the room.  His eyes landed on her rhythm guitar, he remembered how he and the boys had gifted the guitar to her on her last birthday. The tears of joy that she shed, he could remember them clearly, she told them they were crazy and that they shouldn't have done that. The boys chuckled at her emotional outburst. His gaze wandered over to the desk on which she always did her homework or wrote lyrics with him in her textbook. Right...the textbook, it still laid on the wooden surface of the desk, it was open and her favourite pen was beside it. He walked over to the desk, and looked at the textbook. They had been working on the lyrics for Bright the night before the crash happened. He remembered how she picked up her guitar and played a little melody for the lyrics. Luke sighed and picked the book up. Tied to the book were so many memories, that they made, was it the song they wrote about Reggie, which he would never know was about him or all the other songs that had so many feelings in it that you could feel her presence even if she wasn't around, all of this made this book special to him. He pressed the cold book against his chest and let his gaze wander a bit more she'd hung up a few Polaroids that she took. One showed her and himself, it was the first one that was ever taken with her camera, after receiving it as a gift on her birthday. It showed her asleep on his back, she had jumped on his back and he had carried her around what felt like nearly half a day just to find out that she fell asleep, their mum found that sight too adorable, so she snapped the pic, shortly afterwards she had woken up. The next one showed a group photo of Sunset Curve , she started to learn the rhythm guitar and the keyboard so she could ,maybe one day, jam with them on stage. Thankfully Bobby said that he could teach her how to play, he tried to flirt with her a few times but she clearly stated that she wasn't interested in him, so he stopped doing it. The rhythm guitarist even switched places with her to let her stand on stage a few times, their parents would've killed the boys if they found out. The photo beside that showed her and Alex, Luke himself had taken that picture, cause it was cute. It showed her hugging Alex, she mostly did this when she needed a little of emotional support, that day her school day had been pretty hard and she needed his "Big Bear Hugs" as she called them. The picture beside that showed her with Bobby, she was messing his hair up and he clearly was close to kill her with a tickle attack, that actually happened after the pic had been taken. Livi always hated being tickled, cause she was the most ticklish person you could imagine.
Moving on to the next pic, it showed her with Reggie, she clearly had a thing for him and vice versa, on the pic the two were asleep on the couch in the garage were they rehearsed. Her legs propped over Reggie's and she had snuggled close to him. It wouldn't have been a huge surprise to him or the other boys if they told them that they were dating, which they actually weren't.
The last picture was a family picture, a family friend had taken it for them, he stood beside Livi and their dad, and on Livis other side stood their mum, they all were smiling.
He missed her, his little sister that loved to pull pranks on him or crawled into his bed at night when she had a nightmare. Even though that she could be a whole lot savage and a little bit bitchy at times, he still loved his little sister.
His eyes fell upon the books and stuffed animals on the shelfs, the snow globe on the windowsill and the big poster above her bed. "What are you doing..?", he turned to see his mom standing in the door frame. "I...just wanted to see her room..you know for remembering her..", he could feel tears building up in his eyes. "...it's still so surreal, mum..", she nodded "I know..it really hurts a lot..", she walked in the room and hugged him and all he did was crying into his mother's shoulder and wishing for his sister to come back.
Word Count: 1301

Hey guys thank u for reading.
I'd really appreciate a star and feel free to tell me your thoughts to the story in the comments.
I hopefully see you in the next chapter, until then, keep ghosting~
🎸👻 . 🥁👻 . 🎸👻 .

Olivia [A Julie and the Phantoms FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now