| Olivia | 2020 | VI |

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"I don't know about this", Reggie said while letting his gaze wander over the people on the level below them. "Yeah I don't either..", the young girl beside him agreed and clung lightly to his arm, which he didn't seem to mind at all.  "Well if you two get scared, you...you can always hide behind me. I'll be hiding behind Luke", while saying the last part Alex slowly walked behind Luke who looked a bit questioningly before he turned to speak in a serious tone and exclaimed that the would need to grow up.  "Well sorry we're not as wannabe-tough as you are", his younger sister said and glared at him. Her brother seems to ignore her remark and kept on talking "We need to get back at Bobby. He needs to pay for what he did to us."
"And I thought that all of you thought that what I said was wrong", Olivia remarked at that. "We don't, I was just trying to calm you down..you were so close to slapping someone that you needed to be calmed down and also, yeah Luke you're right..", Alex answered and they just stared back down on the other people. And just as Livi thought that was the last thing he said he whispered "I'm still gonna hide behind him.", which made Olivia chuckle lightly.
"We're all good", Willie exclaimed after appearing beside Luke, just a few seconds later.
Alex told him that they only had an hour or so because that had a gig with Julie. The tanned teen told then not to worry another they should folollow him. They walked down the staircase to the lower level and he kept on talking about that he normally would backboard that heavy 20 set with his deck but since they're going to have company he wouldn't do that tonight. After saying that he hoped that they were ready for this he led then down the rest of the stairs, well more like he slid down the railing and waited at the bottom of the stairs. Living still clung to Reggie's arm and he looked at her with a look that was a mixture of fright and reassurance, showing her that he was as much afraid as she was.
They took a look at the stage and heared Alex asking if they were seeing what he was seeing which look remarked with saying that they were a little overdressed.
After joining Willie at the bottom of the stairs, some "lifers" walked straight through them, just moments later. "Woah! I thought these people were all going to be ghosts", Reggie said and Willie explained that those were actually all lifers qnd Alex butted in and wanted to explain "lifers" yet again which made Reggie say yeah "lifers" were alive people, he knew because he was listening. Willie kept on explaining that this was an exclusive crowd who had paid a lot to get a sneak peek at the after life. "I always knew rich people did weird stuff like this", just before Livi could say something a waiter, dressed in all white interrupted them. "Lady and Gentlemen I have a table for you. Right this way." He let the five to a table with a perfect view. Everyone seated themselfs, Livi was forced to sit between Alex and her brother. While Livi looked around from her seat, her brother asked about who would make them visible so that they could confront their old bandmate. Willie just retorted that bone of the lifers had the power to do so, just then the volume of the music started to increase which made Willie even more excited "Oh, but here comes the ghost who does", he said and right after that someone spoke over the speakers, introducing the "Star of the evening" that was back form the dead by popular demand, Caleb Covington. Everyone started cheering and just seconds later a man was flying over the stage.
The man asked if the people had missed him an and the crowd shouted that they did he stated tat be missed himself, too. 'What a weired guy', Livi thought. "Welcome to the party of your dreams. From the Egyptians to the Druids, to the person sitting next to you, we've all wondered, 'Where do we go when that final light is snuffed out?. '"
Snuffed out, what a weird way to put it Olivia thought to herself  and huffed lightly. "Allow me to show you", he stated and started a musical number. At first he started to float toward the table where the boys and Livi wrote sitting while gesturing with his hands, but just a little while later he landed back on a podest swung open his arms, a band and dancers appeared out of nowhere and left everyone staring at then in shock and amazement.
He then walked down the steps towards the table again singing about happiness being free, while some waiters danced around with food trays, he walked between Luke and Livi and made a female dance appear on the table which the boys, mostly Luke and Reggie found extremely nice. Olivia hated it, the way that Reggie looked at this dancer made her fuming on the inside. She guessed that this was what everyone called jealosy.
Caleb disappeared behind then an reappeared on the stage. But the young girl also started to watch the dancers spin around doing all of the ding stuff that she definitely couldn't do. And a while later she could see some girls doing acrobatics in the Rings that hung from the ceiling. Reggie spring to his feet but Luke pulled him back down on his seat, slinging an arm round his shoulders, Alex had put his arm on Willie's shoulder and Olivia was sitting in the middle feeling and probabltly looking like a lost child. She didn't know where to look, there was so much going on and her hands started to shake lightly. No one seemed to notice that the young girl looked distressed and overwhelmed, she started to look down to her hands and played with then, distracting herself from what was going on around her.
She registered the last words of Caleb "Ain't it the best? Long live the dead." then he vanished behind a big black charmeuse cloth. Everyone got up and started to cheer.
Everyone besides Olivia who still was overwhelmed with everything. She didn't register what Reggie said but clearly heared that Alex told them that he recognized Caleb, that he had already met him outside of the Orpheum. Reggie theorized that he could be a magician who died while performing a trick that went horribly wrong. The young blonde teen standing across from him told him that he probably shouldn't bring this up when they would meet.
I'm not even sure if I want to meet him the young brunette girl thought. Willie told them that they should come back when Caleb would show one of his movies and that he flooded the entire place for Titanic once. Luke once again wondered that he could make ghosts visible to "lifers" with a wave of his arm. The guys kept ot talking about it.
Livi had a very weird feeling in her gut. All of this was just too good to be true, there had to be a catch about it, but little did she know that she would find out sooner then she wanted.
Word count: 1244

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