|Olivia | 2020 | II |

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Luckily Luke let the theme slide and decided that it would be a good idea to go through Julie's personal stuff. "You know how morally wrong this is, right?", she asked with a raised brow. "She shouldn't have told me what's in her dream box it makes me just want to open it more..", he simply answered before opening the little box and fishing out pieces of paper. "Look what I found, a poem...this is some good stuff, Reg look at this, we could make a song out of this", Reggie looked at it. "That's really good..."
With this words both of them disappeared which made Livi roll her eyes again and follow them.
While the boys were busy turning the poem into an actual song, she decided to climb up into the loft to rummage through the stuff that was up there. She found one of Reggie's shirts and a chained skirt of hers that she hid there cause her parents weren't okay with her taking after her brother, with being more of a rock girl and not a girly girl. She changed into the more comfortable clothes and climbed back down to the two boys "do you need some additional help?", both boys turned to look at her, Luke chuckled and Reggie was a little taken aback "Is that, my shirt?", Livi nodded with a smile "Yes, it is, I couldn't find one of mine, so I took yours, it's okay, right? I mean I can climb back up and-", he shook his head "N-No, it's totally okay, you can wear it. It looks better on you than on me", he admitted shyly. Luke was still chuckling and watched the scenery in front of him develope into a comfortable silence.
"Uhm..so, do you two need help now?", the young girl asked to brake the silence. Both boys nodded "We can't seem to find the right melody for the song", the young brunette girl snatched the paper away from her brother and read the lines. She started humming a little melody and skribbled down a few ideas. "How about one of these?", Luke looked through the ideas and nodded a little, he started humming and a little bit later the doors to the garage opened and Julie stormed in. Livi sat down on the couch and let them talk, she didn't dare to interfere in the conversation. She never was a real part of the band, she was just a replacement, when Bobby wasn't available. Olivia poofed off and sat on the beach on a big tree trunk, watching the waves brushing up on the shore. Seeing all the people running around, screaming out of joy, children running into the water and parents running after them. Livi remembered how she and the boys went to play around at the beach until late at night, coming home to parents that scolded them everytime but never punished them. The young teen sighed and brushed a stray hair out of her face, slowly it began to get dark and nobody seem to notice her absence. On the other hand, after clearing things with Flynn, Julie disappeared with her best friend into the house to tell her how everything went down.
Luke, Alex and Reggie were left alone in the garage. "Has anybody seen where Livi went?", Luke asked his friends.
"She wasn't there when I got back, it's sad that you now notice that she's gone", Luke snorted "Sorry that I was busy arguing with Julie about the poem that I took out of her dream box", Alex looked at him "You did what?! You know how important boundaries are to her..."
"It's not that important at the moment, my sister is missing!", Reggie was the only one not saying anything and poofing off just to get out of the argument Luke and Alex were having.
The brown haired teen poofed himself to the beach to get a breather. He did not expect to see Olivia sitting there on a tree trunk, starring into the ocean, completely abscent minded and a blank stare. She had goosebumps or as Reggie liked to call them ghostbumps all over her arms which she didn't even seem to register. He stepped closer, took off his leather jacket and softly put it over her. She looked up into his eyes "Hey, Reg...", Livi softly said and snuggled into the warmth of his jacket. "What are you doing here, Livi?", she shrugged her shoulders and looked back into the ocean.
"Just needed time to think, didn't know it was dawn already..", Reggie sat down beside her and watched how the waves seemly danced above the shore "It looks beautiful, doesn't it?", she said while watching the sun completely vanishing at the horizon. "Yeah it does, can I ask you something Livi?", the young teen nodded as an answer. "How do you feel at the moment?"
She thought for a moment "I'm confused, I mean I don't know why I'm here...I never really was a full part of the band, I mostly felt like I sat on the bleachers and did nothing, I mean Bobby teached me how to play and all and he also let me play a few gigs but I was always a replacement, so I don't get why the hell I'm here..", Reggie was suprised by her explanation. "You are not a replacement...you're as much part of the group as I am or Alex and your brother are."
"I'm not, I don't feel like a part...of the group.."
"Reggie is telling the truth..you're a member of this group, if you believe it or not, little tornado..", Alex sat down on her other side, reassuringly putting a hand on her shoulder. Luke crouched down in front of her. "You know, you're kinda like the glue that keeps the band together" , Olivia looked at him, still with a blank face. "Remember the times we all used to scream at each other and never agreed on anything?"
"You mean the time I got you idiots to listen to me through playing the drums horribly after sneakily getting Alex's drumsticks ?", Luke nodded "Yeah, without that we probably would've never stopped arguing with each other, and we all agreed on the term that you should never play the drums" ,Livi put a hand over her heart "Ouch..I played like a professional drummer", Reggie chuckled "Not really, more like a helpless child", the young girl furrowed her eyebrows "Like a child?! Really, Reg, a child?" , "I couldn't come up with anything better, I'm sorry.. ", she smiled lightly "It's okay, you're all right, I played horrible...and probably sounded like a helpless child.."

Word Count: 1121

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