| Olivia | 2020 | VII |

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While Livi was stuck in her thoughts she didn't even noticed that Caleb had appeared behind her, making her jump and squeak silently when he put a hand on her shoulder, she could hear Reggie say that he found him, he was just as stunned as Livi was. "Hello Boys and hello young lady. Caleb Covington. Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club. Enjoying the show?" Luke started to stammer about how awesome he thought the performance was, it was hilarious to watch and the young girl would'veaughed at her brother of her gut would've stopped acting up.
Caleb was very full off himself, she could easily make that out, of the way he was acting towards everyone. He got absolutely fantastic skills, not to lie, but an ego that big could also harm himself. Willie introced the boys and her to Caleb and Alex, being the nice one he is told him how nice it was to meet him. Reggie trying to be cool and retorted with a little " 'Sup".
Caleb's smile seemed to grow by the second. "The pleasure is mine. Nothing warms my heart more than sharing this magic with new friends. Please sit, Sit", everyone on the table besides Olivia, who had remained seated, sat down again, Calebvwas handed a chair by one of the waiters and sat down between Livi and her brother, which made her a little uncomfortable. Alex thanked Caleb for the invite which he just answered with an "Of course. Of course" before he continued his sentence a while later. " Now, my friend Willie tells me that you boys have some magic of your own", his gaze wandered over to Alex, who seemed to misinterpret the whole sentence, thinking he meant him and Willie, but Willie cleared the situation for him, making it a little awkward at the table.
Luke trying to break the awkwardness stated that they weren't able to wave their arms and do all this magic stuff, Caleb just explained that he got some practice and that the gifts were something so rare and special. He added that it wasn't often that he came across other spirits whom possessed similar talents and that it was no surprise that they found eachother. Luke agreed to his statement but his sister wanted to strongly disagree with that. Caleb excused himself, saying something about paying the bills and that he would come back later to chat, before he got up and walked away.
Reggie was conpletly fascinated and rambled about how he hoped that this party was never going to end. Livi could see the glances he had given to the girls around the club and it made her heart ache a little.
The boys had got up from their seats just shortly after to make some smalltalk with the other guests. Livi stuck to her brothers and Reggie's side, letting Alex to have some alone time with Willie. They were adorable together and she would give the world to see Alex happy after everything that had happened. The boys talked about ten Star Wars movies, Reggie always had been a big fan of those, they talked about the fact that there were 8 new ones and what a catastrophe it was for Reg that they had killed Han Solo, making him ask what kind of future that was, before he stormed of distressed about his favorite movie franchise. Luke stated that they had found out like two weeks ago about it but no-one had the heart to tell him that, he also asked them not to tell Reggie about something named Jar Jar, Livi had no clue what that even was, but she didn't even care that much to ask her brother. Luke took off to Alex and Livi followed him, since she had lost sight of Reggie seconds agobin the crowd. Luke and Alex talked about Alex having an obvious crush on Willie and Luke being supportive of that. Livi didn't say anything, she just gave Alex a soft smile and started to rub her arm again. Seconds later Reggie appeared beside her, swinging an arm around her shoulder to make her feel a bit more comfortable, before he started talking about Star Wars again. Caleb appeared again asking if they were enjoying themselfs and Luke ansered that you would've to be insane to have a bad time there. "Well, entertainment is our specialty. So now I understand that there's something I can help you with?", he asked looking at each of them for a split second. "Yeah, we hope so. There's an old buddy of ours who ripped us off big time and we wanna make things right." Luke agreed to that telling Caleb that they wanted to look him in the eyes and make him admit to what he did to them. Alex added that it would be perfect if Caleb would make them visible. Caleb chuckled lightly, "Well, sure, I could do that, but we're at a party. Why focus on those who wronged us when we're among friends? Now, I'm understand that the four of you are talented musicians. I doubt...your dream is to settle a score. No, your dreams is bigger than that! You're like me, born to perform mhsicin front of sold-out crowds." After his little speech he snapped with his fingers to get a chair, making everyone sit down again, this time Reggie made sure that Livi would sit between him and Luke so that the girl could feel save in ten middle of this crowd, he still cared for her and water her to feel save. As an addition it made him feel better to have her near himself. He secretly took he hand and gave her a reassuring smile before he turned to look at Caleb again. The older man in front of them began to talk again "What if I were to tell you that with wave of my hand, you could share the spotlight with me...and join my house band?", Luke chuckled but declined, stating that they already had a band. "Yes. Yes. But when you're done performing, you disappear. You cease to exist. No bows. No... no soaking up the applause. No real connection with the audience. Yeah?  Here the audience knows what you are, and more importantly they know how special you are."
The guys fell silent for a moment. "Well, it could be cool to play here."
"Oh, it...it's not just here", Livi started to get more nervous by the second, she started to squeeze Reggie's hand, who held it tightly and made he lean on him for a, sorta, emotional support. "We party like this all over the world", Caleb continued. "Tonight Hollywood, Tomorrow Paris." Livi heared Reggie retorted an "Oh là là", she ellbowed him lightly in the ribs, which made him flinch, but he didn't let go of her hand.
Word count: 1151
Thank u for reading.
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I hopefully see you in the next chapter, until then, keep ghosting~
🎸👻 . 🥁👻 . 🎸👻 .

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