|Olivia| 2020 | V |

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The four ghosts teens poofed off to a park. They watched a skater doing some tricks before he came to a halt in front of them. "What's up, man? You brought friends.", were the words he used to greet Alex. "Yeah. These are my bandmates, uh, Luke, Reggie and Livi."
The three greeted him. "Cool. I'm Willie", he introduced himself and the boys greeted eachother with a sort of "handshake". Willie looked at Livi and simply shook her hand with a playful smile on his face.
"So... you guys here to learn some 'tricks'? ", he pointed at some police vehicles and the sirens started to wail, the officers clearly were confused and tried to find the source of the sirens going off. "Do it again! Do it again!", Reggie shouted excited. Luke interrupted him and tried to explain the situation "Actually, we were thinking a bit bigger. An old bandmate stole from us. We wanna confront him face-to-face."
Willie nodded a little "All right. Is this, uh.. , old friend of yours a lifer?", he asked, making Luke look at him with a questioning look on his face. "Oh, that's fancy ghost lingo for the living", explained to the others. Reggie answered his question and told him that he, in fact, was a lifer. The ghost skater apologised and told them that he actually couldn't do that, which made the all look frustrated. Seeing the state they were in Willie added that he knew someone that maybe could help them. A ghost that was kind of a big deal. Since he still had so stuff be needed to take care if they agreed to meet at the place where Willie and Alex first met, at eight o'clock. And with that Willie took off on his board. Luke, Reggie, Alex and Livi proofed back to the, now empty garage. "So he stole our songs...made a name for himself with our music, gets all the credit and we are supposed to do nothing about it, because Julie thinks that getting back at him won't do anything?", Livi was in full on rage mode. She couldn't believe this girl. Their legacy has been stolen by this idiotic, full off himself fool and they should just stand by and watch everything. "I mean she's not wrong, we still got the songs with her...", Alex butted in, but Olivia wasn't really having it. "She doesn't even know what it's like to have her legacy stolen from her and yet you are still siding with her? I don't get it..I wrote some of these songs, too. I feel more than just offended that those songs were stolen by the idiot that tried to get into my pants back then...and she walks around thinking that she's a goddess, because of what? She wrote maybe three songs and feels like she's on top of the world..."
With these words, the young girl climbed up the stairs to the little loft in the garage and sat down on the wooden floor.
A while passed until she felt another presence beside her, after looking up she discovered that it was Alex whom had decided to join her up in the loft. "I know you're upset Liv...we all are, but as much as it will annoy you now, Julie is still right. There's nothing we could do to change this fact at the moment, we need to give it a little time and maybe we can change something about all of this.."
"Or maybe not...I guess..that she really is right. I'm just overreacting I guess...", the blonde boy smiled at her and she smiled back. Alex always had been like a second big brother to her, and this would never change.

Eight o'clock came faster than they thought and so they waited for Willie to arrive at the place were Alex had first met him. Willie arrived just a second later and let them to a fancy looking club-thing. They walked in and saw a whole lot of people enjoying themselves while dancing to music. To say that Livi was impressed would've been an understatement, it amazed her on more than just one level.
"So this is where your hotshot ghost lives, huh?", Luke asked Willie who slightly smirked them.
Alex was the next one to gain back his speaking ability after being stunned by the place "Yeah we've walked past this hotel like, a Million times. How come we've never heared of it?"
Livi could teach that Willie had waited for this moment to happen, because he smiled and explained that the area had been sealed off for decades and that you would only know this place exisisted if you we're to be invited to it, after that he told them that he would be right. The four ghosts teens looked a a sign that read
'Hollywood Ghost Club Members Only'
Reggie mumbled the name under his breath while the group walked to the railing. "This place is creepy" he added and Livi nodded "More than just creepy", she mumbled while nervously running her right hand up and down on her left upper arm. Alex on the other hand didn't seem much affected and with a light cheer in his voice he said that they where creepy, too, and there was definitely not a chance to deny that fact from being truthful.
Word count: 900 Words.

Sorry for the long wait, I've been stuck in a writers block for so long..
I hope you still enjoyed this chapter.
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