| Olivia | 2020 | III |

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Livi woke up the next morning, she was laying on the couch, her brother laid, sprawled out on the floor in front of the couch. Alex was awake already, sitting in the armchair beside the couch, smiling warmly at her "Good morning, Livi", she smiled as well "Good morning Alex..", she stretched und rubbed her eyes and realized she had been changed into a comfy sleep shirt and a thin blanket was draped over her legs. "Who changed me...?", she asked Alex, who pointed at her brother. "He even insisted that we go outside while he changed you, he even got you a few clothes from your home. So that you can wear your own stuff. ", Olivia smiled a little and looked at her brother, got up from the couch, got the chair and sat beside Alex. "And were exactly is our little weirdo?", exactly at that minute Reggie sleepily stumbled out of a room in the back. "There he is..."
"This early in the morning and you are already talking about me?", the tone of his voice made Livi chuckle. "Don't think to high of yourself, Reg", he acted offended "Hey, it's not my fault I'm beautiful."
Luke, who still layed on the ground, woke up and groaned "You may have beautifully ran into a wall, nothing more."
Livi bursted out into laughter while Luke slowly got up from the floor and stretched. "No need to be rude, dude..."
"And a rhyme, it's getting better by the second", the young girl said while laughing. "That's just pure comedy."
"Sooo...Livi..as part of the band, apart from being our glue, how about you try to wish for your guitar to see how rusty you are..."
"You know that I was just learning it", Luke raised a brow "Sis, you played nearly like a pro, don't beat yourself up like this, you're awesome", Olivia smiled again "I really wish I had my guitar with me...", out of nowhere her guitar dropped into her hands which nearly caused her to let it fall to the floor. "There we go, go on, play it.."
Livi slipped the guitar strap over her head onto her shoulder and experimentally played a few chords. "Not as rusted as I thought", Luke mocked.
A few hours passed in which they fooled a little around, Alex poofed off after saying he had stuff to do and Livi, Reggie and Luke just talked about random stuff before Julie walked into the garage. "You never guess what Flynn did...she got us our first gig, well kinda..we're playing at the school dance of my school", she told the three ghosts. Reggie took the flyer she had put down on the piano "We're playing a school dance? Sweet!", Luke didn't even seem to be interested "It's not exactly the Strip", he said with a small frown on his face. "And you're not exactly alive so you should be happy we have our first gig", Livi nodded "He's right", Julie, who was watering the plants stated that she herself didn't like the idea at first but she thought of it as a way to build up a following. She was absolutely right. So it didn't take too long for Luke to be okay with it. Which resulted in rambling about a single that gets billions of streams, Olivia hat no idea what she was talking about but it sounded like something good so she just nodded lightly, they talked about dozens of hit albums, dropping a country album, Julie even promised Reggie to learn how to fiddle for him, they talked about making it into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame, also about having a blowout in 2032, Reggie set his money on Alex cause he's the sensitive one of the group.
Luke being completely encouraged to get work done wanted to start rehearsing but one of their band mates was still missing. Alex.
"So, Livi we didn't get to know each other, yet...", Julie said and looked at the girl, she pointed at her guitar "Were you part of Sunset Curve, too?", before she could say anything her brother jumped in "She and I wrote some of the songs together, she started to learn the rhythm guitar and even played a few times with us at clubs."
"Well that makes our band a 6 membered band", "Six?", she nodded "Flynn, my best friend is also part of the band, she's more like a manager but also part of the band,
"Now that we cleared this, let's get into composing then, anyone having any ideas?", the four teens started to brainstorm their ideas and came up with a melody a little while later. Julie had sat down at her keyboard, the boys stood in front of the keyboard and Livi just sat in the armchair and tried to be helpful, but just a few seconds after that Julie had asked her to join them, which she couldn't refuse. It didn't took too long 'til Alex joined them and Luke told him that they needed to start practicing. But before anyone could explain it Julie's best friend Flynn walked into the garage. She talked about news, that she didn't had a date to the dance, poor girl, but she didn't care she just wanted to see her best friend and the band perform there. "Oh man! We're playing a dance?", Luke sat down on the chair while he answered that this was how to get a following nowadays. Julie backed it up with saying he should get with program. Flynn looked at Julie and asked about the guys, Livi chuckled, watching Julie's friend waving to the wrong side. "Other side, sweety", Julie said and so she turned around and waved at them. Alex, Reggie and Livi waved back, even tho they knew she couldn't see them. "Now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we start working? ", "Yes! We're gonna rehearse, with our new band mate. You wanna stick around?", the girl sitting at the keyboard asked her friend. "First of all you need to explain the new band mate later and second I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance but this sounds way better."
"Hey Julie. Remember those orbs in Dad's pictures? I... I think they're ghosts. But don't worry. This room is... is... This room is clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies."
"Wrong again, little dude." Reggie said clearly amused by the boy.
Luke smiled a little in amusement, too.
Livi looked at Reggie "Who's that?", "That's Carlos, Julie's little brother..he tries to be a ghost buster..", he explained and she nodded understandingly. Carlos rambled on "Have no fear. If they come back, I will protect you, because I am the man of the house."
Julie, smiling in amusement as well, just asked him if their dad wasn't supposed to be then man of the house he just answered a "There can be two. Dad needs all the help he can get, right?", this made Julie chuckle.
Carlos continued "According to the internet, salt burns their souls out."
The four ghosts looked at eachother with fear in their eyes. "A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here", he started to sprinkle the salt around, making Livi and Alex scream out in fear and the other two gasped and tried to get out of the salt sprinkle radius. Alex was way more scared than Livi tho "No...Oh God, I'm...", he paused for a little bit before happily smiling "I'm fine...I'm fine. Totally fine."
Julie cleared her throat and looked at her best friend, who got the hint and got Carlos out of the garage in no time.

Word Count: 1292

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