| Olivia | 2020 | I |

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After the young girl woke up, it was dark and cold around her. Olivia didn't knew were she was, it felt like minutes to her that she sat there in the dark void, crying to herself, wanting nothing more then someone to hug her and tell her that everything was going to be alright. She cried until she felt like she was in midair, falling, her crying mixed with a scared scream. It lasted only a moment before she felt solid ground underneath herself. Slowly she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings, a school gym..the perfect place to wake up in. She could hear the loud music and saw a few people standing on a stage, her breathing stopped for a second as she listened to the song, it was Bright, the song she and her brother wrote. Livi could feel her heart racing as she recognized three of the four people on stage, Alex, Reggie and Luke. Tears started to build up and flowed down her cheeks, she slowly walked to the stage around the big crowd in front of it to the side, watching the performance with tears steadily flowing down her face, dripping down from her chin onto her school blazer, her fingers clawed into the heavy fabric of the blazer, while she shook a little. How she was able to hold in the sobs is something she didn't knew herself. The song ended and she cheered along with the crowd, which was weirded out and asked why they just vanished, the girl on stage said something about them being holograms which everyone seemed to believe. Olivia watched as the boys got off of the stage and Reggie goofing around, like he always did. She chuckled about the situation which made Luke turn his head in her direction "pinch me Alex, I'm dreaming", he mumbled which made Alex and Reggie turn around as well. The young girl smiled a little and waved her hand a little."L-Livi..is that you...is that really...you?", she nodded and just a few seconds later she was ingulfed in a hug by her brother. "I missed you big bro..", she mumbled as she pressed herself against him. "I missed you to, Livi..", they separated and shortly after that she was caught in one of Alex's big bear hugs. "You're here...god I'm so happy to see you..", she just nodded and cried, this time tears of joy. Alex released her and she looked at Reggie with teary eyes "Reg...", he smiled warmly at her and softly wiped her tears away. "Don't cry, you're more beautiful when you smile, cutie..", she felt herself getting flustered by that nickname, which caused her to smile at him and hug him, to hide her blushing face "You dork..", she whispered and snuggled into his embrace. "Let's get out of here..", Luke said and just a little while later they stood in a school hallway. Livi felt her body tingle and she let go of Reggie, which made him frown and Luke and Alex chuckle. "That was weird..what just happened?", she looked at her brother with a questioning look on her face "We teleported", he simply stated "Teleported? Does teleporting always tingle this much?", Alex chirped in this time "Yes it does, I thought I was the only one feeling this tingles. "You both are just a little too sensitive", her brother mocked which eared him a light smack on the Arm, but this didn't really hurt him. Just as Livi was about to say something the girl from the stage came back, so she stepped back and leaned against the wall, letting them chat without interfering it. "Guys..who is that?", she asked and pointed at me. "Wait...you see her, too?", she nodded "Of course, but I don't understand why and would like to know who she is and why is she wearing a school uniform...?", Luke answered her questions pretty swiftly "That's Olivia, my little sister, she was my co-textwriter, sorta..the person I told you about, she died in a school bus accident about a year before we died", the young girl stepped closer to them "Well, nice to meet you Olivia, I'm Julie, and I should be heading to class now, see you all later" with this words she left. "Wait so, what exactly is all of this? Where are we, when are we and how the fuck is all of this happening? I mean I died, I was in a void for I don't know how long and now I'm here in a school, do you know how it feels to die in a school bus and magically come back to earth in a school gym?!", "Calm down little tornado, we don't know how all of this works either so we are all in the same boat. We came back too but we basically fell onto the hard ground in the garage we used to rehearse in, cause Julie played our Demo", Alex tried to explain the whole situation in a calm voice. Livi nodded, understanding the situation a little bit, but not quite completely. "We should get back to the garage", Luke said before puffing out, Alex followed shortly after, Reggie surprisingly took her hand and puffed off with her, like he wanted to guide her. They got back to the garage where Alex had a light mental breakdown saying that he can't handle change well and that the other two boys shouldn't tell him how to "Ghost" before he disappeared. Olivia was confused and taken aback by the emotional outburst of the drummer and looked at Luke and Reggie, before realising that she still held Reggie's hand. It made her blush and pull her hand out of his grasp, her brother just grinned at her with a knowing look and sight afterwards. "So Livi now that we have a little more privacy, how about a second hug?", the young teen opened his arms, just for his sister to jump into them and hugging him, without letting go for a good 15-20 Minutes. "I'd like a hug too", Reggie murmered, more to himself than to anybody else, but Livi still heared him, she let go of her brother and hugged Reggie we other the words "come here you little crybaby". "I'm not a crybaby...", the young girl could hear the sniffles in his voice which caused her to hug him even tighter than her brother. "Why are you crying? Everything is okay...", she mumbled, at the same time she let her fingers glide through his hair in a soothing manner. "Even though that you two doubted it, I still can't shake the feeling that something is going on between you", the dark-haired female rolled her eyes. "Not that topic again", she groaned.

Word count: 1141

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