The Night of the Idle Gnome

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12/26, Midnight, Friday

I didn't sleep.

No, I wasn't even able to. There was no escaping this feeling, this raw emotion, this vulnerability inside my heart. Talking to her, clearing it up, that was the only possible hope for me now.

So I sat with the gnomes. They had harnessed such cheerfully-molded faces, it seems like they could do no wrong, and see no wrong. All they did was stare at you with an unwavering demeanor, mocking you for how miserable you truly are.

All because you screwed up.

Wait, they're mocking me?

"Are you mocking me?"

If Mister Dandelion Cape, Jupiter-S could speak his say, he'd be outraged by the thought of me even doubting that they weren't.

Of course, they were mocking me. What else would they be doing staring at me anyway? What other reason is there but to watch me suffer as I longed for her arrival? How will they even remain entertained if all I did was enjoy myself here, all alone, without her?

Maya, come back. No matter how much I hated suspecting you of what you may have done, I still want you back. Why aren't you here anymore? Why weren't you there yesterday?

It all probably has to do with... whatever you said to Ma.

Why? Why did you sell me out? I just don't understand.

"Wh-What are you looking at?" Mister Oliver Crescent, Edison-P glared at me with intense eyes. They were filled with annoyance, it seems he is trying to tell me that my presence is bothering his hibernation.

"What, you want me to just accept the fact that Maya basically revealed my lie to Ma and move on that quick?" I asked the old gnome. I could've sworn I saw him nod.

"Whatever, Edison-P! Gnomes don't even hibernate, what are you talking about?" I exclaimed at his face. Despite the shower of spit, he was persistent with his cheeky grin.

A condescending snicker arose from behind me. I already knew who it was.

"Oh, shut up, Tennis-O! All of you are just gnomes, you're nothing but decoration! You're no better than me!"

That's what I said to those gnomes. Those imprudent, arrogant gnomes, ha! How dare they think that they are superior?

Is it because of Maya? No! I'm concerned, sure, but this obstacle doesn't lessen who I truly am.

Maya doesn't have that big of an impact! It's foolish for me to think that! Nothing could ever be as precious as the time we spent and the relationship we built together for the past week, sure, but it's not the end of the world!

It's not the end of the world, it's not! It's not!

It's... not.

What time is it?

I could hear Jupiter-S announce "midnight."

Midnight? Is it already that late?

Then why... am I still here?

If it's not the end of the world, then why does it feel like I could sacrifice the whole planet if it means I could wait for her here, in this backyard, forever?

I want you back. I need you back.


"Heya, D!"

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