The enemy conquest begins--safety for Carina?

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Chapter Ten

       The next day, as Giancarlo and Tiberio were conducting training, bad news came. Three swiftly riding couriers from Nice pulled up to them. "Sirs, the Umayyads have crossed the Pyrenees and have seized Septimania and conquered Narbonne." One of the couriers withdrew a missive from his saddlebag and handed it to Giancarlo. "This letter from Bishop Gregorio will tell all."

          Giancarlo took the rolled up parchment. Tiberio dismissed the men and together he and Giancarlo went to his residence. Once inside, they unrolled the parchment. It was written in neat, hatched Roman lettering. Giancarlo read the document first, sighed and handed it to Tiberio. It read:

        To Count Giancarlo, Commander and Protector of the eminent municipality of Nice,

      It is with great haste and rising dread that I send you this missive. Reports have only now begun to reach us of uncountable numbers of Umayyad warriors crossing the Pyrenees on horseback to unmercifully cut down the peaceful inhabitants of Septimania. Worse still, they have pressed on to our churches, monasteries and cathedrals where they have systematically and ruthlessly put the faithful men and women of God to the sword while they desecrate and pillage the sacred vessels, leaving nothing of value dedicated to the  service of our Gracious Lord.

           And even that is not the worst of it. The bloodthirsty demons have completely overwhelmed the fortified city of Narbonne. There, they have put to death all those who would not convert to their accursed religion while making captives of young women to send to the venal harems of the Antichrist. I fear they will make of Narbonne a stronghold from where they will launch their diabolical assaults on all Christendom.

          Your second in command, Heribert, and your sons are already making preparations for the defense of Nice, though your presence and strength of command will add immeasurably to our sense of security. This is a time to call on The Almighty and every able-bodied man and woman to stand up to the scourge of God.

        Count Giancarlo, I pray you make haste with your men and bring any others with you who can be spared to fight the accursed infidels.

                                                                                                                                         Bishop Gregorio,

                                                Humble servant of Christ

         Tiberio read the letter with furrowed brow, struck his fist on the table and said, "My God! What ungodly fiends are we up against?"

        "A powerful foe, there is no doubt," said Giancarlo, "but men who will die like any other man when thrust through with the sword." His hand moved to the hilt of his weapon.

      "Would that we had thousands, nay, tens of thousands of hardened soldiers to hack them to pieces and chase them back across the mountains."

        "Unfortunately we don't, but there is a certain Duke Odo of Aquitaine who has a sizeable force. His territory is near enough to where they have launched the invasion." Giancarlo suddenly stood up. "Tiberio, do you have a map?"

        "I have several. You mean of all Francia, don't you?" Tiberio got up and went to a bureau where he soon found what he was looking for. He returned to Giancarlo and unrolled the large map on the table in front of them.

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