Chapter 6: A Sharuna (Shadow x Runa) Moment

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A while later, Runa broke the silence.

"Hey, Shads. Can I ask you a question?", she asked him.

He nodded in response.

"I felt like you don't wanna date Aleyah, but you were interested in me for some reason. Why is that?", she asked him.

"You really wanna know, don't you?", he asked her.

She nodded in response.

He looked down with his eyes closed, then he opened his eyes halfway and explained how much she reminded him of Maria and the whole story behind his brother-sister relationship, then the part on how she died.

After that, Runa felt sympathy for him as she was reminded of the only tragic past she remembered, then she touched his right shoulder comforting him,"I'm sorry that happened Shadow, but don't worry. No matter what happens, she'll always be with you on the inside".

"Yeah", he said looking away, but on the inside, he felt rather comforted, then, he looked at her and asked her,"Do you happen to have a friend before the chao?".

She nodded in response and answered, "There was one girl. One human girl I've been friends with since I first learned my true purpose my father made for me".

"Your father?", he asked her.

She nodded again and replied,"His name is Professor Lucas. He's a scientist and my creator, but I prefer to call him father instead".

Then, she explained about the things she remembered before she got taken in by her adoptive family, "My father created me as a purpose to help heroes, who cannot protect the world on their own. We treated each other like a family. Right now, I don't know much about him since I got amnesia when my adoptive family took me in".

"I used to suffer from amnesia as well", Shadow stated.

She looked at him in surprise,"Really?".

"Yes, but now I know my purpose to bring hope to humanity", he answered, then he asked her,"Do you happen to remember anything else?".

She nodded her head again, then she explained the only memory she remembered before and during the time she was taken in.

Flashback (5 years after she was created)

When Runa was created, she wore a dark magenta thigh-lengthed dress, the same necklace, the same gloves and knee-high boots with a triangular collar on each of them. Right now, she was walking down the street to get some fresh air when she heard quick footsteps behind her. She turned to see nothing. Instead of moving on, she looked around to see if there was someone stalking her.

Just then, she heard a motor engine being turned on. She turned to see someone driving a car and the trunk and the backseat held his treasured property. The driver, whom she assumed was the robber, drove away with multiple police vehicles chasing him.

Runa knew that she had no choice, but to help them, so she ran after the thief. She jumped ontop of the police car. Then, another, then another, then another. Until she reached the car that's near the robber's car. She knocked the window on her right and asked an officer to borrow the gun.

The officer agreed after Runa made a promise to be careful. After she grabbed the gun, instead of aiming the car, she started to aim for the tires. A while later, she was able to shoot the right target causing the tire to be flat and the car to stop.

After a robbery is arrested...

"Here's your gun, officer", said Runa, giving the gun back to its owner.

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