Chapter 7: Excellent, but Terrible News!

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Sonic and his friends left the cottage according to an invitation. They said that they will visit them anytime. Even Shadow and Runa hoped they'll meet again someday.

For two days, Shadow visited Runa in her backyard — during his free time and by permission from the G.U.N. Commander — to have a private talk with each other, thus getting to know more of each other. This made Aleyah so jealous that she's still hatching a plan to separate them, so that she would have a chance to date Shadow.

Right now, Runa and her family were eating breakfast, which were eggs and bacon. They all ate in silence until someone spoke up.

"Hey, mom and dad. Haven't we forgotten that we should tell Runa the good news?", asked Aleyah.

"Of course, honey! We should tell her!", answered Pearla.

Runa stopped eating and looked at Pearla,"What good news?".

"Oh, it's more than good news. It's excellent news!", said Bruce.

"What's that?", asked Runa, then she thought to herself, I hope it involves something good.

"The excellent news is...", answered Pearla making a pause for effect, then she revealed the excellent news that they've talked about,"We're bringing you several boys for you to date with!".

That's when Runa spat water she was drinking on the table, then she coughed a bit. After that, she exclaimed in total shock,"What?!?!".

"Yes, sister! This is the perfect time! The boys will come here later after lunch and you will choose which one's the best!", Aleyah said happily.

"But this is totally unfair! I can't just date someone I just met!", stated Runa in her plain voice, then she realized the real reason why,"Wait a minute".

Then, she turned to Aleyah with a slight glare on her face,"Aleyah...".

"D-Don't look at me! Even I didn't know the reason why!", she lied.

"I can't believe you! I can't believe you still think Shadow and I were dating! We're just friends, remember?!", asked Runa.

"I know! That's why you have to choose a date on your own!", she lied again. Well, kinda.

In truth, she still thought those two were dating, so she planned it just to have a bigger chance to get closer to Shadow and date him.

"Just give them a chance, sweetie. You'll know which one will attract you the most, you'll see", said Pearla.

"I told you, stepmom, I can't just date someone I just met! If you really want me to date someone, it always starts with JUST BEING FRIENDS!!!", said Runa now angrily.

"How dare you talk to your mother like that! You're going to date him whether you like it or not!", Bruce scolded.

"But–", Runa began.

"No buts about it", he cut her in,"And plus, we'll give you time to get to know more of him. You'll see it once the boys arrived".

"Ugh, alright!", she said sighing in irritation,"Let's get this thing over with".

As she said this, they all continued eating breakfast.

Later, in the backyard...

Runa told her chao friends what had happened and they were all concerned about her reaction.

"Chao-chao-chao", they each said in concern.

"I know, guys. It's bad, but I had to get this over with just to honor my fashionable family. I, for one, wore a scullery maid outfit and nothing else except my previous outfit", she explained to them.

"Chao-chao!", Rosy told her.

"What? You think you can help me get ready?", she asked them.

"Chao-chao!", they each agreed.

"Okay, it's settled", she said,"Time to get changed".

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