Across the Bridge - Chapter 6

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Chapter SIX

"You go to East High, right?" Matt asked, pulling away from Camilla's house.

His car was nice and had shiny leather seats. He seemed like a nice guy, and I knew Alex wouldn't have let me go if he didn't trust him. But I really didn't know him at all. I didn't know anyone, besides Alex.

"Yeah," I agreed, looking out the side window.

"So... why do you live across the bridge?"

It was such a simple question, but I knew it was filled with judgement and confusion.

"I grew up there. My mom found out I could go to East High for ninth grade if I had a certain grade average, so she made it happen," I told him.

"That's cool. My cousin lives in Brooklyn, too. But she goes to this super sketchy high school..."

I knew of two schools he could be referring to. Girls I went to middle school with went to those schools. At least one of them had a baby. The guys that Asa got in trouble with went to those schools. Drug dealers.

I stayed quiet for the rest of the drive, just directing him to my neighborhood once we crossed the Williamsburg bridge. It only took about fifteen minutes to get to my house and when he pulled up , I saw it in his eyes. More judgement. The neighborhood was sort of hidden behind a sketchy supermarket and my house was small. It was a one story with not much property. The front steps were broken. The door needed a paint job.

"Thanks, really," I said quickly, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Not a problem. See you at school?" he asked, smiling. But I could tell he wanted to get out of there.

"Yeah, school," I repeated, even though the thought was daunting.

The house was quiet when I stepped inside and exhaled. I guess I'd been holding my breath since I got into the car with Matt. Nothing was comfortable about being one on one with a guy I barely knew. But at least nothing bad happened.

HOME SAFE, I texted Lex.

GOOD. GLAD YOU CAME. EVERYONE WAS HAPPY TO SEE YOU, he sent back a few minutes later.

I wasn't sure I believed him.

My mom had a day off the following day, which meant she walked to the store to get alcohol and then drank all day with our neighbor, her friend Louanne. Louanne was a bit older than her and lived with her boyfriend, who was pretty mean. They didn't have kids, thank God.

I left before lunch to go to the mall. I walked to the bus stop and bussed to the small mall, to get some stuff for school and some jeans and a sweater. I wandered around as long as I could before leaving, and decided to walk all the way home. It took longer than I thought but I didn't mind. It was still warm, that end of August summer heat. I hadn't heard from Alex all day, but I didn't mind that, either.

It was early evening when I got back to the house. Right away, I heard the yelling. Sliding the door open slowly, I waited to make sure it was safe to enter. My mom was doing the yelling, as usual. She was always angry when she was drunk.

"I just can't believe the shit that kid has put me through!"

Louanne was sitting at the table, nodding, a half glass of wine in front of her.

"He should have been good, right? Why the hell did he have to to turn out so horrible? And now that damn place keeps calling -"

"Mom," I spoke, surprising myself.

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