Across the Bridge - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It was a small park, tucked away, but part of a popular area near the water. Asa and I liked it there because we could pretend we were normal kids, while knowing there was a whole new world just across the bridge. That was years before I started high school. Before Asa got into trouble. Before mom started drinking.

Duke parked in an empty parking lot and we walked into the area together, me leading the way. He followed me through some trees and down a path towards the park.

"Woah," he commented as we sat side by side on the swings. "It's so secluded."

"Yeah. It was always busy when we were kids, but sometimes I come and sit here at night by myself," I answered, looking up at the dark clouds above us.

"So, your brother..."

I kicked at the sand under my feet. "He's fifteen. He started getting in trouble when he was pretty young and I basically had to raise him. But he was always with these older guys, who had him selling drugs. They beat him up, bad, if he didn't do what they told him to do."

"Why'd he get sent away?" Duke asked, swinging back and forth a bit.

"My mom couldn't handle him. I was in high school, you know, over there, and he had just started at East too, but he got kicked out. The high school here is bad. The cops picked him up and said they better not see him in trouble again... but then a week later he was picked up for selling weed to an under cover cop..."

"Oh, shit."

"I was really angry at him for awhile. But he's been there a long time. He's grown up and he doesn't want to do that shit anymore. I visit him when I can," I paused to take in a breath. "Anyway, my mom and I are going to see him tomorrow."

"Oh. Are you excited?" he asked, his swing now still.

"Yeah. I am always anxious to see him. But my mom's pretty flaky, so I can't get my hopes up," I replied.

A crack of thunder boomed in the distance. It was fully dark now and I could tell the storm was closer. But I didn't want to leave.

"My mom has been cheating on my dad for, like, a year," Duke spat out, then looked at me for a reaction. I just blinked a few times, unsure of what to say. "My dad knows now. My mom just found out that he knows. It's a big mess. I went to Jersey because my dad's sister lives there. My mom refuses to end the marriage because she says her reputation is on the line. My dad is getting his own apartment soon. I'm just stuck in the middle and I can't take sides and I can't tell anyone."

"You just told me," I said, keeping a straight face.

Duke smiled. "Right."

"Sorry, that sucks."

"Yeah. Well, my mom sucks. But I have to go to these public appearances with her and my brother and smile and act like she's amazing." He looked half amused and half angry.

"That's horrible."

He nodded. "She loved Camilla, of course. And other snotty girls I've dated."

"So, she'll hate me?" I let myself smile.

"Well, maybe. But I'm done trying to please my mother. I'll be eighteen next week."

"Next week?" I asked, surprised.

"Yep. I was held back in kindergarten." A grin appeared on his face.

I let out a laugh. "Oh."

He was quiet for a minute but then reached over to grab my hand. I let him. Another crack of thunder hit before the sky lit up with lightening.

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