Across the Bridge - Chapter 34 (final)

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Chapter 34

"Penelope?" Winston answered, after a few long rings. His voice was panicked. "Is that you?"

   "Hey," I said quietly, walking across the room. "Yeah, its me."

   "Thank God," he breathed out. "Are you okay?"

   "I am," I answered, then took a breath before continuing.  "On Saturday morning, when I woke up, Asa's patrol officer was at the door. My mom wasn't there. That was that."

   "So where are you? I went to your house, and then I talked to Alex..." Winston's voice changed a bit, like I could hear him relaxing, even if just a tiny bit.

   "I'm in Brooklyn, in a foster home. At least for a few weeks," I sighed. "I only get to use my phone on Wednesday and Friday -"

   "What about Christmas?" His voice was so quiet now, and sounded defeated. He knew there was nothing he could do for me. "Pen, I was going crazy, not knowing if you were okay."

   I took another deep breath. "I'll be here for Christmas. We can have visitors for an hour, but..."

   "Do you want me to come? Do you even... still want to be with me?" he asked.

   I sat down on the edge of the bed. I didn't have to hesitate. "Yes. I can get more details, and let you know... and yes.... I want to be with you, Winston. But I just don't know what's going to happen..."

   "Pen, I'm so sorry that Miranda and Marcus were talking shit, and you heard them, and that you were mad -"

   "It's fine. I over-reacted. I was drunk, and just scared, thinking that I was just a mistake for you," I admitted, twisting the bottom of my shirt in my fingers.

   Winston let out a laugh, which surprised me. "No, Pen. You are my best decision."

   He told me that he explained everything to his dad, who agreed that him living with his mom wasn't a good fit anymore. He was moving to his dad's apartment for the rest of the school year - and he was allowed to stay at the same school, too. His mother was angry with him, but decided to open his account for him, after the threat of lawyers getting involved, from his dad. Everything was getting better, for Winston. And I was so happy for him.

   "I love you, Penelope," he whispered, just before I had to hang up.

   I swallowed hard, shutting my eyes. "I love you, too."

   The next few days passed by and Asa and I were becoming comfortable in the house, with the other kids, and with Shelly and Mark. It was still sort of weird and new, but I felt better overall, having talked to both Lex and Winston. It was a huge weight off my shoulders.

   At the group meeting two days before Christmas, all of the details were given about visitors coming to the house.

   "The hour is either 12 P.M. to 1 P.M., or 1P.M. to 2 P.M. The visits are in our main living space only, no bedrooms," Shelly explained, smiling. Maxine let out a loud laugh. "Friends and family are welcome."

   My heart rate sped up. I couldn't believe I would actually get to see Winston.

   Mary had news for Asa and I, too.

   "Your mother went home last week. We know because Jim left her a note to call him if she saw it."

   "So, what does that mean?" Asa asked her, eyes wide.

   "Jim spoke with her, asking her to meet him at the office the next day. She didn't show up," Mary went on.

   I rolled my eyes, not surprised. "So...?"

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