Across The Bridge - Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

My phone was ringing as I opened my eyes the next morning. For a quick moment, I had to remember where I was. It was still dark in the bedroom and Winston was asleep beside me, some blankets half on him.

I reached over the side of the bed and grabbed my phone off the floor.

"Mom?" I answered, not even checking the time.

"Penny, where are you? It's 8 A.M. You didn't come home?" Her voice was half worried, half annoyed.

I sighed. "I stayed at Winston's. I told Asa, last night."

"Oh. Well, you've never stayed out all night before," she said, making me realized this was true.

"It's his birthday today. I won't be home until later," I told her, deciding not to let her make me feel bad.

"Okay. Sorry that I called you so early, but I was worried." Her voice was a bit quieter now.

"Sorry," I repeated.

I was awake now and it was sort of awkward as I laid there, watching Winston sleep. His mouth was open a little bit and his breathing was shallow. Even though the blanket was covering him from the waist down, I knew he was just in his boxers. I knew because he had pulled off his shirt when we were making out again, once the movie ended. I knew because he also pulled off his jeans, before we he decided we should stop. I'd slept in my leggings and t-shirt.

I scrolled on my phone for awhile, because I had nothing else to do. When I heard some noises outside the door a little while later, Winston stirred in his sleep. I watched as his eyes fluttered open, and a smile crept onto his face.

"Happy birthday," I whispered to him.

"Best way to wake up on my birthday," he replied, his voice sounding sleepy.

"My mom called, so I've been awake for a bit-"

"Everything okay?" he wanted to know, moving closer to me.



"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked, curious.

I'd never spent a night away from home, my mom was right about that. I'd never done any of this before.

Now, Winston grinned, showing his teeth. "So, there's this movie in the theaters that I want to see."

"Done. And?" I smiled.

"Sushi for dinner?" he suggested.

I nodded. "Let's do it."

"You are... man. You're really going to spend the day with me?"

For a second I thought he was joking. "Of course. It's your day."

He leaned in to kiss me and I didn't even care that I hadn't brushed my teeth. But it was short lived.

"Duke!" A voice yelled from behind the door. Then a knock.

I moved away from Winston, instinctively.

"My brother," he told me, then yelled, "What?"

Another knock. "Why is your door locked?"

Winston jumped up and crossed the room, unlocking the door and opening it just a crack. "What do you want?"

"You have a girl in there? What the hell? A new girl? I thought you and Camilla were done-"

"James, it's not her..." Winston told his brother. "It's not your business."

"Oh, okay. Cause you're eighteen now? Happy birthday little brother, you can access your trust fund now -"

"James," Winston said quickly, stopping him.

"What?" I thought you were looking forward to that? Anyway, mom's expecting you upstairs."

"Yeah. Okay," he said, then closed the door again.

He was quiet, as he pulled on his jeans, then took a shirt from his closet and pulled it on. I didn't know what to do or say, so I just watched him and stayed quiet.

"So, my mother is... over the top," he finally told me, coming back over to where I was sitting on the edge of his bed.

I'd seen his mother in ads on TV and her big smile on billboards, promoting her fitness shakes. Then, though, I didn't know her or care who she was. I didn't know Winston at all. Now that same woman was Winston's mother.

"Okay," I said back.

"Don't be offended, I mean, if she's... rude," he went on.

"Okay," I said again.

"Your mom was so nice to me. It was weird, but nice," he laughed. "We just have to go up there and deal with her, then we can leave for the whole day -"

"Okay, Winston," I said, smiling, then grabbed his hand.

He smiled back, but then looked worried, just for a second. He ran a hand through his hair - what he did when he was unsure - and then we headed upstairs.

The kitchen was beautiful, perfect, shiny. The stainless steel appliances were sparkling. There was no mess, no clutter. I was just taking in the scene when Winston's mother appeared. For a moment, she smiled. But as soon as she saw me standing close to Winston, her expression changed. I felt self conscious immediately, especially knowing I was wearing the same clothes as the day before. I hadn't even brushed my hair.

"Winston," she began, standing straight up, her smile gone. "Who's this?"

He glanced at me, trying to reassure me. "This is Penelope."

"And where do you live, Penelope? What school do you attend? And do your parents know that you spent all night with my son-"

"Mom," Winston said, sounding annoyed.

But she just blinked, waiting.

"I go to East High," I said, only answering one of the questions.

I was sure she was going to push more questions, but she looked at Winston again. Her thin frame was holding strong. Her dark eyes seemed to be telling him something.

"How are your college applications going?" she asked, changing the subject away from me.

"It's November," Winston said, rolling his eyes.

"I told you, you must get started on them if you want early acceptance to Yale -"

"Okay, Mom. I know."

Now, she paused and I hoped she would acknowledge his birthday. "You won't let me down, I know that," she said instead. "Don't forget, I need you tonight, to make an appearance with James and I, at the gala-"

"No. Not tonight," he told her seriously.

"Winston, whatever plans you have with your girlfriend can be postponed. This is important for the business," she continued.

"It's your business, Mom. Even James'. Not mine." Winston put his foot down.

His mother looked horrified, and I saw her blink a few times before she answered, "8 P.M. The limo is picking us up here."

Winston turned, without another word to his mother, and walked out of the kitchen, grabbing keys off the counter. I followed him all the way out the door and down towards his car, my bag over my shoulder. It was a cold morning and I could see my breath in the air as I walked a few steps behind him. I zipped my sweater and shoved my hands into my pockets. He got into the car, so I opened the passenger door and got in beside him. He was already starting the car and pulling away from the house before I could even say a word.

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