Across The Bridge - Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

There was so much I wanted to say but I could tell he didn't want to talk. I was the one with the rough life, the single mother and the crappy house across the bridge. But he was right when he said that the other side is not always better. Having money, the nice house, fancy car – it couldn't always make you happy. It was obviously Winston's mom didn't care much about him, either.

Winston pulled into a coffee shop parking lot and turned off the car fifteen minutes later. We hadn't really talked at all. The radio was on, playing catchy pop songs. It all felt very wrong.

"It's too early for the movie. Is this okay?" he asked me, shrugging.

"Yeah... of course," I told him. "Winston... she didn't even say happy birthday to you."

"It's fine. That's not important to her. And then she'll want praise when I get access to my money, whenever she gets around to that." I could tell he was not okay.

"Your money?" I asked, confused.

He shrugged again. "My grandfather - her father - was a wealthy businessman. He died a couple years ago, and James and I got money put away for us for college and for when we turned eighteen."

"That's... nice," I said, because I had no idea what else to say.

"Sorry, I know this is awkward." He dropped his head, fiddling with his keys.

"I'm more concerned that your mom didn't even care about your birthday," I told him.

"Yeah, well, I'm not surprised," he finished, then opened the car door and got out, waving for me to do the same.

Inside the cafe, we sat at a small table and drank coffee and ate muffins. He told me about the movie he wanted to go see - an action/thriller. I just liked being with him, so anything was fine with me. He checked the time for the movie and the earlier one was in two hours, so we sat there, letting the time pass slowly. We talked a bit, and sipped our coffees. I knew he was not okay about his mom, but I didn't ask about it again.

I never would have thought that I would be feeling bad for him. Like, ever. He had it all - that life in the city that I thought was way better than mine. But as I watched him across the table, I could tell he was hurting. And that really hurt my heart.

Lex texted before we got to the theatre. I checked it but didn't reply.


In the theatre, during the movie, Winston held my hand tightly in his lap, sneaking a few kisses here and there. It all felt very normal and good, while also feeling rushed, and serious. His mom had called me his girlfriend, which I knew I wasn't. But he sure acted like I was, sometimes.

It was still early, before 4 P.M., when the movie ended, but we went for sushi anyway. It wasn't something that I got a chance to eat often, and it was so good. Being with Winston for the whole day was so good. I didn't have to worry about Asa, or my mother, or anything. It felt really good to be a little more normal.

"Thank you," Winston said, smiling before popping a California roll into his mouth. "Today has been the best day... I was dreading this birthday, honestly."

"Why? You're eighteen now," I laughed.

"It's just complicated," he said, then his phone dinged. He ignored it. "My mom doesn't think I'm responsible enough to have the money... she wants to wait to give it to me until I got to college."

"Oh. Yale?" I asked, sipping my water.

He nodded. "Likely. It's only an hour away. My brother goes to NYU but I wanted to get away from New York for awhile... I mean... I wanted to."

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