Across the Bridge - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The air was cool but it wasn't fully dark yet. It was mid October so definitely closer to fall than summer, but it wasn't too cold. I was shivering though.

My heart raced as I watched Winston get out of his car and start walking towards me.

"Hey," he cooed, when he was almost close enough to touch me.

"Hi," I said, stopping.

He hesitated, then told me, "You look good."

I pulled at the bottom of my sweater. "Really?"

"I mean, you always look good, but..." His voice trailed off and he stepped closer again.

"What should we do?" I asked, my voice sounding too nervous. "We could go to the park again... or we could stay here."

"Here?" he questioned me, surprised.

"My mom's out."

He nodded, but I could tell he wasn't sure about that. "Moms don't usually like me."

"Well, I promise mine won't care if you come in," I told him.

Usually, I'd be very cautious of bringing someone to my house. Lex was my only friend who had been inside since I was twelve. But Winston was different. I knew there would be no judgement.

"I was thinking coffee or something, but..." he said, and suddenly I thought I had ruined this entirely.

"Oh, yeah, sure. The Starbucks is a few blocks away," I said quickly.

"We can stay here," he told me, nodding at my house. "If you're sure your mom won't mind."

I lead him through the front door and through the kitchen to the tiny living room. Our TV was old and sat on an ancient wooden TV stand. The couch was well worn and there coffee table had chips missing and cigarette burns. Suddenly I felt embarrassed.

"We've always been... I mean... we've never had much extra money," I spat out.

Winston crossed the room and sat down on the couch, wiggling around a bit. "I love this couch. I want my dad to get some used furniture for his new place. My mom's house is filled with untouched, uncomfortable furniture. Sure, it's pretty. But what's the point if no one can use it?"

I sat beside him, half smiling. "My mom got this house when she found out she was pregnant with me. My dad was still around then, but I guess it was always off and on. When she got pregnant with Asa, he freaked out and said he didn't want kids. I was two and I don't remember him at all. My mom has always worked two jobs, and I've been taking care of Asa since I was eight."

"Wow, that's so..." He let his voice trail off.

"Are we too different?" I asked, suddenly.

"You are... exactly what I needed," he told me without hesitating. "Someone who doesn't judge me based off my family."

I smiled. "That's what I need, too."

"Well, it's perfect then."

"You really don't care that my house is small and falling apart and this neighbourhood is -" I tried.

Winston reached over to put his hand on mine, stopping me. "I feel like I fit in here, Penelope. I'm so comfortable here, more so than I've felt in Chelsea, in a long time," he whispered.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded, still holding my hand. He was warm and I liked it so much, it made my skin vibrate.

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