Across the Bridge - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Winston was snoring, fast asleep, when my alarm on my phone went off at 8 A.M.. His shirt was off and his pants were open, his arms wrapped around me. I snuck out from under him, leaving him asleep, while I went to the bathroom.

I wasn't thinking, the night before, when I told him to stay. I just knew I wanted him with me. We made out on my bed for a while. His hands were all over me, his mouth fitting perfectly with mine. But he was drunk and tired and finally I pulled away, telling him we should sleep. He didn't argue - he was passed out in a few minutes.

But now, I didn't know what to do. I had to shower and get ready, as we were leaving by 9:30 A.M. to drive to get Asa. I was excited and nervous and terrified. And now I had to wake up Winston and get him out of the house, too.

When I got back to my bedroom after showering, I was surprised to see that he was awake. I only had a towel around my body and his eyes looked sleepy.

"Morning," he cooed, a smile forming on his face when he saw me.

He was sitting up, and his shirt was back on. I sort of wanted to kiss him again, right then. Somehow, I resisted.

"Hey," I said, cautious. "I am just... I have to get dressed."

"Right. I'll close my eyes," he promised.

And he did, I watched him as I quickly dropped the towel and pulled on underwear and jeans, then a bra and t-shirt. But I was feeling confident, so I crossed the room and touched his shoulder, his eyes still closed.

When they fluttered open, he looked surprised that I was standing so close, as if he'd forgotten where he was.

"You let me stay over," he said, though it sort of sounded like a question.

I nodded. "Yes."

"I know I was drunk... but I remember telling my brother to wait for me. I told him that I just wanted to see you, maybe kiss you -"

"But he left."

"He's a dick. But he thought he was punishing me, leaving me here." He grinned.

I smiled back, grazing my hand on the side of his face. "He didn't know I'd let you in and tuck you into my bed."

Now, Winston looked confused. "I woke up with no shirt on. My pants were... undone."

I let out a laugh. "You don't remember making out with me?"

His eyes narrowed, like he didn't believe me. "Fuck. I'm sorry-"

"Penny!" My mom's voice bellowed from the hallway.

I stepped back, away from Winston, waiting.

"Are you almost ready? I have to get gas before we get on the road!" she called out again.

Winston looked at me, fear in his eyes. Without a word, he stood up, reaching for his other shirt, and his jacket. I watched as he redressed. He avoided my eyes. His was tying his shoes when he spoke again.

"Will you go distract your mom, so I can climb out the window-"

I leaned against the wall by the door, amused. "You don't need to leave out the window," I told him again. "My mom really won't care."

Winston turned to me, and I saw how incredibly attractive he really was. I had always thought that, but now, disheveled, untucked shirt, a sleepy look on his face - he was gorgeous. And, somehow, he was something, to me.

"Penelope!" Now my mom was pounding on the door, since I hadn't replied.

"Be out in a minute!" I called out.

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