Chapter Four

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It was early in the morning, Irene woke up on the couch to the smell of eggs and bacon. She sat up, scratching her head. She turned around and saw Seulgi cooking breakfast.

Irene stood up and walked into the kitchen, the smell getting stronger.

"Good morning, Irene!" Seulgi walked over to the older. "Do you like eggs and bacon? That's what we'll eat for breakfast!" Seulgi smiled.

"Why is she acting like nothing happened?!" Irene though, but she'd rather Seulgi act like this instead of acting so awkward.

"I don't like eggs, only bacon." Irene replied, sitting at the table.

"Hmph, fine! You're too picky. I'll have to make extra bacon." Seulgi rolled her eyes, flipping the bacon.

"Thanks." Irene peeled the paint off the table, seeing the natural brown wood.

Seulgi placed some more bacon on the pan, moving it around with a fork.

"So Irene, when do you think you'll be going home?" Seulgi asked the older, sitting next to her while the bacon sizzled.

Irene stopped peeling the paint, looking at Seulgi.

She didn't have a home. She was a vampire. She lived in the woods and relied on humans energy and blood to survive. She would rob people's homes, stores, and kill if necessary. The closest thing she ever had to a house was a tree.

"Oh, um.." Irene looked to the side, nervously. "What the fuck am I gonna say..?"

"Irene, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Seulgi wrapped her arm around Irene's shoulder. "If you're still having troubles at home, you can stay with me as long as you need!" Seulgi gave that same cute smile.

"Yes, my mother abuses me and my dad. My siblings ran away and I'm scared to call for help, please don't tell anyone.." Irene hugged Seulgi, forcing some tears out.

Seulgi gasped, putting her hand on Irene's head.

"I would've had no idea!" Seulgi hugged her. "Please, stay here with me. I can buy you all of the necessities that you need. I don't want you going back to that abusive household." Seulgi felt like crying. Her little heart couldn't take this.

"Thank you so much, Seulgi." Irene responded, Seulgi nodded.

"I'm going to serve us breakfast, then head out to work. Alright?" Seulgi said, taking the bacon off the pan and placing it onto a plastic plate.

"Okay, Seulgi." Irene patiently waited for her food.

"Way too gullible.. I almost feel bad. Whatever, I'll get what I need and leave." Irene thought to herself, eating her bacon.

Moonlight Melody ♥︎ SeulRene ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz