Chapter Three - The Terrible Truth

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As the reflection of the Dark Aerrow continued to laugh, Aerrow was in a state of complete and utter shock. 

Dark Aerrow: What's the matter, Aerrow? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Aerrow: This...this isn't possible! You're dead!

Dark Aerrow: At some points, I was. But sometimes, death is only just an obstacle. 

Aerrow: How are you here? 

Dark Aerrow: I think we both know the answer to that question. 

Aerrow soon went back to his last battle with Dark Aerrow. It was that battle that decided the fate of all reality. During that battle, Dark Aerrow's body began to break away from overusing Aolroth's power. 

Dark Aerrow(Past): Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. We are all things, Aerrow...and yet we are nothing. In the end, we belong to neither the light nor the darkness. We will forever stand alone, cursed to stare into the eternal abyss. We are meant to suffer. No matter what reality we live in, we will suffer. We shall one!

In that moment, Dark Aerrow lunged at Aerrow and grabbed him by the head. He then began to transfer power from himself to Aerrow. Both their eyes began to glow green as Dark Aerrow laughed. Everyone attempts to help Aerrow, but a protective wall of energy blocks them.

Dark Aerrow(Past): There's no escape, Aerrow! You may have stopped the Blackest Night, but you'll be mine!

Aerrow(Past): No!

Aerrow then reaches for one of his Twin Energy Blades and plunges it into Dark Aerrow's chest, forcing him to cancel the ritual.

Dark Aerrow(Past): NO!

At this moment, Dark Aerrow's body began to break apart at an accelerated rate. It was here that Dark Aerrow was defeated. 

Aerrow: But...but that's impossible! I stopped you!

Dark Aerrow: Not exactly. You see, I was trying to transfer my conscious to your body. That little attack of yours stopped me from completing the ritual, but I was able to plant a piece of myself inside you. 

Aerrow's heart stopped as he replayed the moment Dark Aerrow attempted to take over his body that day. He thought for sure that he stopped the threat of the Dark Aerrow, but it seemed to be the opposite. 

Dark Aerrow: It wasn't instant you know. All I could do was simply watch as a passive passenger. But soon, I was able to subtly influence you. 

As Dark Aerrow spoke, Aerrow soon began to connect the dots. All those times where he became increasingly aggressive and hostile towards both enemies and allies was the Dark Aerrow's doing. 

Aerrow: almost made me kill Finn....

Dark Aerrow: If it weren't for Piper, Finn would've already been on a one way ticket to hell. It felt just like old times. 


Dark Aerrow: With each passing day, I grow stronger and stronger. Soon enough, I'll be strong enough to take over your body. And when that happens, that's where the real fun will begin. 

Aerrow grew more and more distressed. The fact that he was potentially a threat to every living being on Atmos was inconceivable. It was as if Aerrow was trapped in the most horrifying nightmare. 

Dark Aerrow: And the best part of it all is that while I'm having my fun, you'll be right by my side watching it all go down. You'll have a front row seat!

Aerrow desperately wanted to believe that what was happening was just a nightmare, but it was all too real. Aerrow fell to his knees as the Dark Aerrow simply laughed. 

Dark Aerrow: Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. We are all things, Aerrow...and yet we are nothing. In the end, we belong to neither the light nor the darkness. We will forever stand alone, cursed to stare into the eternal abyss. We are meant to suffer. No matter what reality we live in, we will suffer. We shall one! We....are one!

Aerrow screams as he shatters the mirror in the room. As Aerrow took several deep breaths, all he heard was silence. It seemed as if what he was experiencing some sort of nightmare. As he looked upon the shattered mirror, he heard Dark Aerrow's laughter. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): You can never escape me, Aerrow. 

Aerrow: NO!

As Aerrow screamed, Piper rushed into Aerrow's room and saw him in a state of complete distress. 

Piper: Aerrow! What's wrong?!

As Piper cradled Aerrow, Aerrow suddenly changed. He looked upon Piper with seductive eyes. 

Aerrow: I'm fine, Piper. In fact, I'm better than ever. 

Piper: Are you sure? I heard screaming....

Aerrow then pulled Piper in for a kiss. Piper was extremely caught off guard by this. 

Piper: A..Aerrow!

Aerrow: I've missed your touch, Piper. 

As Aerrow began to push himself on Piper, the navigator grew uncomfortable with Aerrow's unexpected advances. As he prepared to force himself upon her, Piper pushed him away. It was at this moment that Aerrow snapped out of it. He looked upon Piper with shame and regret in his eyes.

Aerrow: Piper...I'm sorry. 

Piper: What's happening to you?

Aerrow: He's back. 

Piper: Who's back?

Aerrow: The Dark Aerrow. He's back. 

Upon hearing this, Piper was caught off guard. 

Piper: But that's impossible! We beat him!

Aerrow: Somehow....he implanted a part of himself in me. he's inside me....

With that, the terrible truth has been revealed. The Dark Aerrow was inside Aerrow and threatened to take over. Now Aerrow must find a way to expel the Dark Aerrow's spirit from his body. For if left uncheck, the Dark Aerrow could carve a path of death and destruction that would leave Atmos in ruins. 

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