The October Revolution

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Coal wasn't awake for 5 minutes before she got the DM from Molly. She picked her phone up off the cave floor before answering.

Molly: Can you come over? They all started a revolution again.

'Damn it.' Coal thought. 'I thought they had one last month.'

She picked herself off the floor and grabbed her pink potions shulker before flying to the coords Molly sent, being able to hear the shouting and whooping of battle about 100 blocks away. Once at the revolution battleground, Coal circled the area to see who's fighting who; it quickly became apparent that this wasn't a mod vs player situation when Coal saw Becca chase Hollie with a pumpkin, but that just raised more questions. Coal landed by Molly expecting answers.

"Can you tell me why everyone's using pumpkins to fight? Those things are so unwieldy in melee." Coal said while putting down her shulker.

"They're not using them in melee." Molly clarified.

Metaphorical eyebrows were raised until the scent of gord guts filled her nostrils and caused her to reexamine the battlefield. Everyone was carrying a pumpkin, but the tops were all cut off. She wondered what that was for until she saw Fall reach in and pull out this huge clump of unprocessed pumpkin pie before yeeting it at Jamie, getting him right in the back of the head, and Coal probably could have heard the shlorp of it hitting the back of his head over the general battle noises.

"Clever children." the old lizard commented.

She continued to look over the battlefield as Molly handed her some fresh brewed potions and saw on the side of the battlefield Xenos and Korray were cutting the tops off pumpkins and pilling them up for people to take.

"Arms dealing bastards." Coal commented.

"They're having trouble keeping up with demand," Molly said. "Mainly from Switch."

Coal saw him go up to them and drop an empty pumpkin in exchange for a full one.

"That's his 8th one. Everyone else is only on two or three."

Coal couldn't help but smile at her feral son's antics. "Of course you'd smile at that." Molly sighed before the two went back to watching the revolution unfold.

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