Loneliest Day of My Life Songfic

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First attempt at a songfic and I'm linking the song I'm using so you all have some idea what's going on.  Also, quick warning, this story has body horror, angst, rp lore, what can be described as basically child abuse, and hints of human flesh-eating.

A link to Lonely Day, by System of a Down will be in the comments.

Such a lonely day

And it's mine

The most loneliest day of my life

Coal lay on the leaf pile looking up at the bright blue sky. However, her mood didn't match the sky. She was left alone with her thoughts again.

Such a lonely day

Should be banned

It's day that I can't stand

Most people who don't know her well would probably say it's because she's chaos personified. If she was left alone long enough, she'd have a plan to blow up the moon, and be gathering supplies. Most people would then be shocked to find out she'd already formulated the plan while talking to them by splitting off a portion of her brain and dedicating it to that task, and was now going to take them on the supply run. Instead, she shouldn't be alone because the bad memories would come back and start slowly tearing at her mental and emotional health.

The most loneliest day of my life

The most loneliest day of my life

Right now she was remembering the time after her mother and siblings were killed, and she was left all alone in the world. Just a few months ago her mother was explaining the changes her body would undergo before she became an adult dragon, but none of the physical changes felt right. Eyes and mouths would appear all over her body, blinking and gibbering constantly, and the muscles in her back constantly writhed.

Such a lonely day

Shouldn't exist

It's day that I'll never miss

Then she remembered the day she met her father. Her family all knew that she was technically the only half dragon in the clutch, but no one ever told her what the other half was. She only knew she attracted strange and horrific creatures that terrified her parents more than any human ever could. And the half rotted giant komodo dragon that stood in front of her was one of them. He told her he was her father, gave her an eldritch name, and promised to explain everything to her. He put her to sleep before doing so, and when she awoke, she had taken the form of a massive dragon-like creature covered in eyes and mouths with long tendrils snaking from her back.

Such a lonely day

And it's mine

The most loneliest day of my life

And he was nowhere to be found when she woke up. Coal was now even more lost, scared, and confused as she searched for the only one who could give her answers. She found a server to inhabit, but her frantic search only brought her a new emotion, hunger. She made about 225 people "disappear" on that server before getting herself back under control. Then she found her father, and demanded answers. All Coal got was the explanation as to why he chose her mother. He only wanted a child to use as a tool to help him destroy all life, and his child having dragon's blood seemed like one of the better ways to get that.

And if you go, I wanna go with you

And if you die, I wanna die with you

Of course Coal rebelled against that. She ran away, saying she'll never be his tool for destruction, and for the longest time, she was right. She was able to get her eldritch powers under control, and was able to make friends without them knowing the full extent of what she was. Until the bloodlust took over, and she almost killed all her friends.

Take your hand and walk away

After everyone got Coal under control, she expected them all to abandon her. Instead her best friend hugged her, and Becca and Molly, two people who came from groups who regularry killed monsters like her, decided they weren't going to abandon or attack her.

The most loneliest day of my life

The most loneliest day of my life

The most loneliest day of my life (life)

So far, not enough time had passed to close that particular wound, and Coal wonderd if if ever would. She was about to cry.


She looked up to see Switch, who brought her into a hug, just like on the day she almost lost it all.

Such a lonely day

And it's mine

It's day that I'm glad I survived

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