4 Gremlins Play DnD

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Jamie sat behind the DM screen making sure all the character sheets were filled out before he started the one-shot. Molly's High Elf Abjuration Wizard was safe, and Becca's Half-Elf Divine Soul Sorcerer was good. Coal's Human Hexblade/Battlemaster was a bit more tanky than she really needed to be(the worse he planned on having them fight was about 20 human guards), but everything was in order. The Half-Elf Rogue/Lore Bard/Knowledge Cleric/Hexblade just sent him.

"Switch, what the hell is this?" he demanded pointing angrily at the abomination on the paper.

"My character," he responded smiling. "He is a very skilled boi."

It took Jamie an extra half hour to check if this skill monkey was even legal, but eventually, he sighed and turned to Switch. "Okay, I'll allow it," he said before directing one of his 4 eyes at Switch, "But I'm watching you."

Despite having proficiency in all skills and expertise in sleight of hand, Switch still got caught trying to steal the red death gem from the evil king, and Becca had to bail them out.

"King Redbear, we meant no offense. Please let us go!" Becca said in a panic.

"Roll persuasion." The DM said.

Becca rolled and got a nat 20.

"Well then," the king said as servants brought out a table and placed 3 sets of 7 nails on the table, "If your friends can balance 6 nails atop the 7th without any of the 6 touching the table, I might let you all go." he lied.

Molly, Switch, and Coal stepped up to the table.

"Molly, you're first," Jamie said.

"I'd like to make little Xs with 4 of the nails, put the other two above and below the cross, and set it on the nail."

"That sounds intelligent, and I'm going to count that as an intelligence roll."

Molly rolled and got a nat 20.

"Okay, you did it. Switch, you're up."

"I'm going to stack the nails one on top of the other," Switch said.

"Roll me a sleight of hand check."

His expertise in sleight of hand went really well with the nat 20 he rolled.

"Okay," Jamie said, turning to Coal, "What do you do?"

"I stand on the table and swallow the nails while starting the king in the eyes."


Coal repeated it word for word.

"Roll Constitution?"

She rolled. "Oh hey, nat 20."

Redbear held off on backstabbing them as he just stared at Coal in total what the fuck silence.

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