Procrastination Rock

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The SCP mentioned in this story will be in the comments.

Coal sat up as the foundation personnel examined her.

"You did not tell us your soul could leave your body." one of the researchers said as they held a stethoscope to Coal's chest.

"Frankly, I didn't know till now." Coal responded.

Just then Fall entered the room with the head of site security.

"Coal, the agent would like to talk to you." Fall said before leading the other researchers.

The security head cleared their throat. "SCP-682-B, during your body/soul split, SCP-____-J went missing. Can you tell me if you remember being near it?"


The bright sun shown in Molly's room as she woke up with the sun instead of at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. She had a big day ahead of her, and was ready to tackle it. As she stretched and got out of bed, Molly noticed a plain grey rock on her nightstand. 'Coal's probably just being weird again' she thought as she picked up the rock to put outside. The second she touched the rock, any and all ambition left her body.

Molly rolled over back into her bed. She'll deal with this later.

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